10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Tea

In addition to its many health-promoting properties, green tea can prevent diabetes as it helps regulate blood sugar levels.
10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Tea

There are so many reasons why green tea has been an important part of Eastern culture for centuries. The drink is rich in many antioxidants and nutrients that provide countless benefits for the body.

The most important are strengthening the immune system and thereby preventing disease.

Moreover, it was also discovered that green tea does its part if you want to lose a few kilos. It is also a strong ally against chronic diseases such as cancer.

Do you know all the health benefits of green tea? Discover ten benefits of green tea that you may not have heard of in this article. They will undoubtedly convince you to drink a cup of green tea regularly.

1. Green Tea Is Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are chemical compounds present in our diet. They ensure that free radicals cannot cause damage in the body. You can find them in large amounts in green tea. This makes this drink extremely suitable for fighting chronic diseases.

And did you know that you can even prevent skin aging by opting for green tea instead of that cup of coffee after lunch?

2. Reduce the risk of cancer

Some studies have shown that green tea may play a role in preventing serious conditions such as various cancers.

A study conducted at McGill University in Montreal, Canada found that the antioxidants in green tea significantly lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. Another study published that it also reduces the risk of lung cancer by 18% if you are used to drinking green tea.

Large-scale investigations were also set up in China. One could discover the link between green tea and the less frequent occurrence of cancers of, for example, the:

  • Stomach
  • Pancreas
  • Esophagus
  • Prostate
  • gut

3. The condition of the heart improves


And surprisingly, the same antioxidants play an important role in controlling blood cholesterol levels. This prevents the arteries from closing up.

Drinking green tea is therefore invariably recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease. Also to keep the health of the heart and blood vessels in general optimal.

4. Green Tea Promotes Liver Health

In the liver, the waste products that are harmful to the other organs in the body are filtered out of the blood stream. However, if these waste products are built up in the liver, they can still have a negative impact on your health.

In addition, it can compromise the functioning of the other major organs.

Drinking a cup of tea every day helps to cleanse the liver and prevent toxins from blocking the liver. It helps to reduce the harmful influence of:

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Tobacco

This makes the liver healthier and infections do not get the chance to affect this important organ.

5. It promotes combustion, making you lose weight faster

Studies have also shown that drinking green tea prevents obesity. It also helps if you want to follow a diet.

A study has shown that the oxidation of fat in the body is stopped. As a result, the participants in the study lost a lot of kilos in a period of three months.

It stimulates the metabolism so that calories are burned faster and do not have the chance to be converted into fat cells. Avoiding excess body weight also puts less strain on the heart, again improving heart health.

6. It Supports Healthy Digestion

Green tea

Green tea is also known to be a mild laxative, which can help prevent intestinal blockage or constipation.  Also drink green tea if you often suffer from:

  • A bloated feeling
  • Gas Accumulation
  • Or other digestive problems

You will notice that a good result is not long in coming.

7. Don’t give diabetes a chance

This potent, healing tea also manages to balance blood sugar levels. This way you can avoid the development of diabetes. Research has shown that the tea has a preventive effect against type 1 diabetes. It can also control the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes.

8. Your teeth are getting stronger

Traditional Chinese medicine uses the tea to treat infections in the oral cavity.  This gives bacteria the chance to not affect the teeth. You will also be less plagued by halitosis or bad smelling breath.

9. Prevents Arthritis

Several studies have also found that green tea has pain-relieving properties and is able to heal inflammation. This natural remedy has shown that it can be used successfully against painful conditions of the joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

10. This medicinal drink boosts the immune system

The high doses of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in green tea keep your immune system in tip-top shape.

And during the winter, this hot drink, flavored with honey and lemon, can be drunk to cure respiratory illnesses such as colds and flu or even give you the chance not to force you into bed rest.

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