4 Causes Of Weight Gain After Dieting

We must keep in mind that the key to weight loss is not dieting, but adopting healthy eating habits and sticking to them.
4 causes of weight gain after dieting

Has this ever happened to you, weight gain after dieting? You’ve been on a strict diet  for three months  , maybe in preparation for summer or maybe just to get a better figure by losing a few pounds. And it works! You have finally reached your ideal weight, but after a few weeks you notice that you are gaining weight again.

Weight gain after dieting

Why does this happen so often? Have we done something wrong? In this article, we want to explain the most common causes of weight gain when we least expect it.

1. Skipping meals leads to weight gain

nail biting

Here’s a simple example to understand why: Imagine your girlfriend wants to lose weight fast for the summer. To do this, she starts her own regimen, which is nothing more than skipping dinner, eating little breakfast, and snacking on everything she finds during the day so she doesn’t eat anything when she gets home.

But when the body returns to its normal state, the opposite happens.

Energy reserves

Your body will quickly replenish the energy reserve it was lost to prevent another situation where the body goes into alarm status. That means what our friend is doing isn’t healthy. We shouldn’t just eat nothing all day or stick to two meals a day.

Our body sees this as a threat and our brain responds to it.

2. The Dangers of Low Calorie Diets

In this case we have the classic case of these strict diets where they may recommend five meals a day, but the meals they recommend are not balanced and have almost no nutritional value.

This is very unhealthy for our health. Normally you only do these diets for a short time, two or three weeks for example. After that, it often happens that you magically gain weight again after you have reached your ideal weight.

For example, if you start eating calories again, even if you only get a little bit of them.

Pay attention to why this happens

These kinds of strict diets lower the body’s glycogen levels, causing the body to look for this substance in other places. And do you know where it is found? In our muscles, in our cartilage… A certain amount of energy can be drawn from these areas and in doing so, water is released along with minerals and toxic substances such as urea and uric acid.

This deficiency also causes the tissues to look for ways to stay hydrated and to  store fat and calories once you return to your normal eating habits. Therefore, the lost pounds come back quickly.

3. The Need to Incorporate Healthy Habits into Our Diet

Healthy food

If a certain diet makes you feel better, why stop? Often we gain weight because we have acquired eating habits that are not only wrong, but also unhealthy.

Therefore, to avoid weight gain, you should make sure to include this diet in your eating habits. This does not mean that you can never eat something sweet or have a piece of cake again. Even though you know that afterwards you will burn those calories again by doing some exercise.

Consult a nutritionist

It is generally a good idea to consult a nutritionist if you want to lose weight. Sometimes some foods make us feel sick or that certain combinations are not good for us. Without a doubt, the first thing you need to do is listen to your body and learn to understand it.

If you find that something works well, is good for health and helps you lose weight, you should always include it in your daily eating habits.

4. Changes in Your Routine


This often happens. One of the  most common causes of weight gain is a change in habits. But it can also be something that happens in our lives that makes us gain weight again. Do you want some examples? You probably recognize some of these aspects.

  • You have lost a few kilos, but at work  there is a change in your schedule, which means that your lifestyle also changes and after a short time the kilos you lost come back.
  • Relationship problems keep you busy.
  • You begin to feel more anxious about the problems at work and at home.
  • You lost weight for the summer, but sometimes  we relax so much during the holidays  and go out to cafes and parties… And as a result, the pounds come back.

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