4 Homemade Face Masks Against Acne

A mask made with brewer’s yeast is perfect for any kind of skin. Thanks to the ingredients of the mask, your face tightens, helps to remove toxins and reduce excess fat.
4 homemade face masks against acne

In this article, we’re going to show you how to easily make 4 amazing acne-fighting face masks at home using natural ingredients. Forget those chemicals that are way too harsh on your sensitive skin in the long run. Instead, discover the tremendous benefits of these natural ingredients!

A skin that is prone to acne needs special attention to an excess amount of fat, dead skin cells and toxins that build up on the skin to remove. This means that acne sufferers must use special products to purify and disinfect their skin.

How do these face masks work against acne?

You should apply natural acne face masks once a week. If you have very oily skin, you can even use them twice a week.

  • Wash your face well and exfoliate gently with a little salt or sugar. Massage your skin in circular motions. Focus on the extra greasy areas. In addition, try not to damage areas where you currently have acne outbreaks.
  • Wash your face with water and then dry it well.
  • B reng the mask. However, avoid areas around the eyes. Then let it steep for about twenty minutes.
  • Wash and dry your face again. Immediately apply a moisturizing grease-free lotion. For example, you can use jojoba oil or coconut oil. Although these lotions have a greasy texture, they contain much less fat than other options.
  • Apply a little bit of natural aloe vera if you have very oily skin.

Aloe vera and lemon

Aloe vera is well known for its moisturizing and healing properties. It is often sold as a gel in drugstores and health food stores. However, we recommend putting a small aloe vera plant in your home. This way you can obtain this product in its most natural form by cutting off a leaf.

Peel the leaf and take out the gel inside. Then wash the gelatin very well to remove any substances that can irritate your skin.

Acne face masks like this also contain lemon. That is great for your skin and also for getting rid of an excess amount of fat.

How are you?

  • Mix the natural aloe vera gel with lemon juice. You can also use a little lemon zest if the lemon is organic.
  • Whisk these two ingredients together and add more lemon juice or aloe vera until you have the right consistency for a mask.
lemon peel

green clay

Clay is a great remedy that has been used for centuries to remove toxins in our organs, while providing us with thousands of minerals at the same time. You can use it as part of both your health and beauty routines or even to get rid of pain or swelling.

In ancient times, people applied the mud directly, but today we recommend buying it in a spice shop or drugstore.

Clay is excellent for fighting acne because it helps to reduce swelling and remove the harmful substances that cause acne.

How are you?

  • Mix powdered green clay with lukewarm water. Add a little water at a time until you get a mixture that is spreadable, but not too watery.
  • Use materials made of glass, wood or ceramic and avoid plastic or metal.
clay mask

Yogurt and tea tree oil

This mask is perfect for medium to oily acne prone skin,  thanks to the two ingredients it contains.

Yogurt moisturizes the skin without making it greasy, meaning it won’t dry out medium skin and is refreshing to the skin when it’s hot outside.

In addition, tea tree oil has been highly recommended in recent decades as a way to fight different types of infections.

The composition of this mask is fifteen drops of essential tea tree oil on one container of natural yogurt (without sugar, sweeteners or dyes).

Brewer’s yeast and protein

This interesting mask combines the virtues of two products that are great for all skin types, especially those that tend to be oily.

Brewer’s yeast helps us eliminate toxins that build up on the skin and is rich in minerals such as silicon, which is crucial for keeping your skin looking young and firm.

Protein also makes your skin firmer, while at the same time removing an excess amount of fat.

How are you?

  • Mix both ingredients until you reach the desired texture.

We won’t be using egg yolk in this case, but it’s a great ingredient for dry skin masks.

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