4 Reasons Why You Are Lonely

While we can sometimes confuse the two, being alone and feeling lonely are not the same thing. Sometimes we feel and believe that we are alone when in fact we are not. 
4 reasons why you are lonely

You may feel lonely in certain circumstances and situations, where in reality you are not alone. If you look closely in the mirror and all around you, you will see that you are not alone at all.

When you feel lonely, the emptiness can take over. J e are perhaps afraid of no one to have on your side. This can lead you to behave in a way that, instead of helping, makes things worse.

So today we’re going to show you four reasons why this is happening.

4 reasons why you are lonely

1. You feel lonely because you are single

Having a partner seems to be essential in today’s society. When you’re single, everyone will encourage you to go out more and dress better… Basically, you’ll get every kind of advice imaginable to get rid of your ‘single’ status.

But what if you really don’t want a partner? Does this mean you would feel lonely? The answer is: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

lonely woman

If you feel lonely, it is because you believe wrong beliefs, such as:

  • “I am nothing without a partner.”
  • “Meanwhile, I’m not getting any younger.”
  • “I will be single forever.”

Feeling lonely because you don’t have a partner leads you to depend on someone else to be happy.  Therefore, you should learn to be happy and peaceful without anyone standing by your side. Your happiness doesn’t have to depend on other people.

2. You don’t follow the same path as everyone else

This is closely related to the previous point: if we don’t do what everyone else does, such as having a partner, we feel lonely. Not only do you feel a lack of support, but you also feel misunderstood.

You can feel lonely if you don’t follow the same path as everyone else, but you shouldn’t! Self-esteem and confidence are fundamental to feeling good about yourself.

Alone on the road

Start with a clean slate. It doesn’t matter if you were born in a culture or society where the majority of people act in a certain way. You have to live the life you want with what makes you happy, even if it doesn’t match what other people do.

3. Your friends disappear as soon as they have a partner

What usually happens when a boyfriend or girlfriend finds a new partner? Well, they tend to go off the radar and ignore their friends. Until the relationship is over, it is very difficult to meet up with them. This happens much more often than most people would like.

To get through this, especially if you don’t have many friends, make sure you keep doing things you used to do with your friends. Even when your friends aren’t there.

You can still have a cup of coffee. You can only go to the cinema. There is no need to feel lonely. You still have the best company: yourself.

Woman in the grass

Society often suggests that we do certain activities with other people. However, you can also enjoy all kinds of activities on your own. In this way you get to know yourself better and you learn to enjoy life without being dependent on other people.

4. You’re trying to fill a void

If you feel lonely for any of the above reasons, the most likely problem is wanting to be around other people. Because you have a ‘void’, because something is missing. For example, maybe your parents didn’t show you much affection and you want to feel loved.

Later in adult life, you try to fill that lack of affection with other people’s attention. Then when they disappear from your life again, you feel lonely again. Obviously, this strategy doesn’t work.

If you’re feeling lonely because you need other people to fill that void that you can’t fill yourself, it’s important to work on improving your self-esteem.

Calm pond

See a professional who can help you figure out what things you need and how you can offer yourself that love and affection. Then you don’t have to depend on other people.

Learning to understand how to avoid your loneliness is and remains a long process. However, it is the only way to be truly happy without being dependent on anyone else. 

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