5 Common Mistakes When Taking A Shower Or Bath

Did you know that sometimes, without realizing it, we make mistakes while taking a bath that are not good for us at all?
5 common mistakes when taking a shower or bath

Do you know what mistakes you make? You may find this interesting to know. There are few things as pleasant, relaxing and hygienic as taking a shower in the morning or a nice bath in the evening with essential oils that help us relax before going to sleep.

What can we do wrong with this? Find out here in this article!

1. Be careful with too hot water from shower or bath

Be careful with hot water from the shower or bath

Yes, we know. A hot shower or bath when we come home from a long day is wonderful and super relaxing. However, what happens when the water is too hot and we stand under it for fifteen to twenty minutes?

  • It is possible that you come out of the shower and the temperature difference is suddenly so great that you pass out.
  • When water is too hot, it can cause our skin to lose some of its essential oils.  Our skin needs these oils to stay smooth and hydrated. Hot water opens the pores of our skin and you can therefore have to deal with a small decompensation. This means that the body, especially the circulatory system, is unable to function properly.
  • It is best not to keep your body under or in hot water for too long. Five or six minutes is more than enough.  Then you can continue showering or bathing with water that is a bit laurel. You should never, ever burn yourself!

2. Dry yourself gently

Some people dry themselves in a very brisk and harsh way after a shower or bath. This can damage the skin, especially if the towel itself is quite dry. As a result, the skin can become irritated and gradually become much too dry.

It is best to use a soft towel to dry your skin in small circular motions. Dry your skin gently without rubbing it too hard.

Dressing gowns are also very comfortable and convenient. You can put them nice and warm around yourself. Your skin will then dry up on its own, almost without us realizing it.

3. Take good care of your towels!

Take good care of your towels after your shower

The fact that your towel can be too rough and irritate your skin isn’t the only problem towels can cause. Towels often become a good breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

Why? Due to the moisture that can remain in the fibers of the towel if it is not dried properly.

Sometimes it’s not enough if your towel just smells fresh. Sometimes towels get so old that the fibers are full of detergent leftover chemicals, which can eventually cause us to suffer from minor allergic reactions.

So it is best to change your towels every so often so that you can avoid such health problems.

4. The Danger of Too Much Soap

The danger of too much soap in the shower

There is a difference between sports enthusiasts who sweat a lot during a hard workout and people who have only sweated a little during the day and just want to take a quick shower before going to work. That is, it all depends on the person.

However, some people use a lot of soap unnecessarily, which is full of perfume and smells really nice. Little do they know, however, that this brings the skin into contact with a lot of alcohol and chemicals that can affect the pH level.

The body is therefore less able to protect itself against external influences such as mites, bacteria and other micro-organisms.

What do we recommend? We recommend using the correct amount of water and soap. It is even better to use a natural soap.

5. Be careful with sponges

Be careful with sponges in the shower

This is a rather unusual fact but more than worth remembering. According to dermatologists, it is most suitable and healthy for the skin to use a sponge only twice a week while showering. You should also then let your sponge dry in the sun.

This prevents fungi from collecting in the sponge and causing infections or folliculitis.

  • It is best to rub the soap over your skin with your hands. Use the correct amount, as we indicated above. For example, use a natural soap made from glycerine and oats. This one will help you take care of your skin every day. Rub the soap over your skin every day without the help of a sponge.
  • You should only exfoliate your skin twice a week with an appropriate sponge, such as a loofah sponge  . This way you can remove dead skin cells and bring your epidermis back into balance.

Always try to remember these simple points when you take a shower or bath. It will make you feel great!

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