5 Decorative Elements To Make Your Home Cozier

If you want to add warmth to your interior, you should not miss this article. We will tell you about the best decorative elements to achieve this goal.
5 decorative elements to make your home cozier

Did you know that by adding just a few elements to your home decor, you can make your home cozier? Find out in this article which decorative elements can help you achieve the style you want for your home.

Remember: your home should be your refuge and welcome your guests. So are you ready to see some ideas to make your home cozier? Let’s start.

Advice to make your home cozier

1. Make your home cozier with pillows

Colored pillows

Pillows invite you to rest. Mix and match different colors or make them with extra fabric. Pillows can help make your home cozier. It seems crazy, but it is true: pillows help people to feel comfortable and welcome. So don’t hesitate and add them to your interior.

You can put different sized cushions on your armchairs and even use a patchwork technique to make them yourself, using leftover fabric or old clothes you have at home.

Another great idea is to make large pillows with fun prints and stack them on one side of your living room. If you have a lot of guests, ask them to use those cushions to sit on. You can even have a Japanese hold and eat at the coffee table for example!

If you have kids , take the mattress from the crib or any other mattress you’re not using to create a reading area and place plenty of colorful cushions on it so they’re comfortable as they dive into their favorite stories.

2. Lights

An extremely important decorative element to make your home cozier is lighting. Also choose curtains that let in natural light and open completely. It is also important to choose the different lighting and lamps in the house well.

Often we do not pay attention to the lights and lamps in the house and that is a mistake. Lighting is the key to adding warmth to a room. If you buy strong bulbs, make sure to buy bulbs with warm light.

As for lamps, a floor lamp for reading can be perfect for next to an armchair. You can also play with the lights to illuminate specific areas like the bookshelf or a painting.

How would you find a dimmable lamp in your living room? Or a lava lamp or a few candles? These low-light options are perfect for adding warmth to your home in the evening.

3. Wood makes your home cozier

Living room with wooden furniture

Using wood is one of the most common tactics to make your home cozier. A wooden floor, high natural wood or painted baseboards, rustic wooden furniture, etc. It all adds up to give the room the warmth you are looking for.

You can also play with the colors a bit. All shades of brown, orange and yellow will add an endearing style to the room. You can also use wickerwork in both furniture and baskets to enhance that feeling.

4. Make your home cozier with carpets

Carpets can help you achieve the purpose of this article. You can use neutral colors, but we recommend looking for warm tones. Pay particular attention to where you place them, for example: under the armchair, in a reading corner or under the bed are nice options. The idea is to invite relaxation.

5. Blankets

Blankets to make your home cozier

Blankets are another great trick when decorating a room. For example, you can fold them over the side of an armchair or even let them hang down a bit. Who wouldn’t want to kick back in your armchair with cushions and blankets?

As with pillows, we recommend playing with the colours, textures (woven or faux fur) and prints. Let your imagination run wild and give your living room a touch of color through the blankets.

Do you already have some changes in mind to make your home even cozier? Combine our ideas with photos, paintings and everything else for a warm style, your way!

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