5 ‘magic’ Ways To Use Rue

The rue plant is often used to reduce stress and anxiety. It is said that if you notice that the plant is starting to wilt, it is because it is absorbing the bad energy from the environment.
5 'magic' ways to use rue

You may have heard of rue before. It is an herb that you can find in either ‘male’ or ‘female’ form. It is said to have unusual effects that are not immediately visible to the naked eye. 

Learn more about the many powers and ways you can use rue in the following article, especially those considered “magical.”

Properties of the rue

Rue is a perennial, aromatic plant that has yellow-green leaves and produces small flowers. It occurs in arid regions and adapts well to a Mediterranean climate.

It is used in many homes and gardens for its strong aroma and insect repellant properties on certain crops.

Numerous ancient civilizations used rue and even worshiped its capabilities. The Romans cultivated this plant and carried it with them when visiting prisoners. They believed that it would ward off the “evil eye”.

The Chinese used it to counteract negative thoughts or wishes. Celtic magicians believed that rue helped them defend against magical spells and that they could use it as a medicine.

Rue was sacred to the ancient Jews, Egyptians, and Caledonians, who believed it to be a gift from the gods.

In ancient America, the indigenous communities used rue in spells. They claimed that placing a branch under the light of the moon before giving it to their loved one would win her heart forever.

Properties of the rue


When and how should you plant rue?

Rue is said to be much more potent (both as a medicine and in a spiritual sense) if you collect a cutting from someone else’s garden and make sure that person is the one to use it later. The energy of that person remains in the leaves and stem of the plant.

Here are the basic steps for planting rue.  They are believed to bring out the best benefits from the plant:

  • Never plant this herb when you are angry, depressed or stressed.
  • Women should not plant rue during menstruation.
  • If you plant rue without believing in its special qualities or just out of curiosity, you will see no effect.
  • Take your time planting rue, but don’t overdo it. This plant requires a fair amount of sunlight and water.

There are two types of the rue plant: male (with large leaves) and female (with small leaves). Place the male plants on the left side of your garden and the female plants on the right.

Never plant rue in a place where cats frequent. However, it can be an excellent way to prevent them from defecating in that particular area of ​​your yard. It also repels frogs.

If you notice that your rue plant is starting to dry out or start to fade, don’t worry and don’t try to save the plant. This is a clear signal that it captures the negative energy in the environment and brings it good luck.

When and how to plant rue

What are the medicinal properties of rue?

Traditional medicine has used this herb for centuries. Some of the properties of rue are:

  • It strengthens arteries, protects capillaries, reduces varicose veins, edema and other circulatory problems, and prevents internal bleeding.
  • It improves digestion by preventing stomach pain and heartburn, reducing gas and indigestion, and boosting liver function. It is best to consume this herb if you have eaten too much.
  • It has anti-spasmodic properties that help prevent general cramps, diarrhea and stomach cramps.
  • It promotes healthy menstruation by improving blood flow to the uterus. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy as it can cause miscarriage.
  • It is used to treat stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia, thanks to its sedative effects.
  • It helps to relieve pain from shock or strain and reduce inflammation caused by rheumatism and arthritis.
  • It can promote weight loss and reduce fluid retention. It can also stimulate the release of fatty acids from tissues.

Be aware that when rue is used in large amounts it can be especially if the oil is absorbed from the plant (this is for external use only!).

You can make a cup of tea with a maximum of twelve rue leaves per liter of water. Boil this mixture and let it steep for ten minutes, then you can strain it and drink up to two cups a day.

What are the ‘magic’ properties of rue?

If you are interested in spells and want to attract good energy to your home or workplace, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • It protects: One of the most well-known benefits of rue is that it provides a protective field around the person who planted these herbs.
  • It attracts positive energy: sometimes the plant ensures that the right person enters our life, in love, family or at work.
  • It cures:  You can use rue in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, as we have described above.
  • It fights negativity: If you live in an environment with bad energy and “vibes”, you can use a little rue to soak up the negative energy that is disrupting your home.

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