5 Natural Treatments For Joint Pain

Turmeric contains the same anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties as ibuprofen. So it is a healthy choice for joint pain relief if you prefer to avoid over-the-counter drugs.
5 Natural Treatments for Joint Pain

Inflammation from the wearing down and tearing of a knee joint or pain in the fingers and toes is something that is common and we almost always take a medicine to relieve joint pain.

However , did you know  that there are great natural anti-inflammatory agents that can also help you effectively with your joint pain?

Of course, you should always follow your doctor’s directions first, but if you’re at home and feel the need to take ibuprofen or other medications, give these natural anti-inflammatories a try. You will be surprised how much relief you will get!

5 Natural Treatments for Joint Pain

1. Rosemary

rosemary tea

Rosemary is an aromatic and medicinal herb commonly used in the Mediterranean diet. It gives a distinctive flavor to many dishes and is used in the making of various home remedies.

Did you know that it also acts as a natural pain reliever? Thanks to this, it is great for relieving all types of joint pain.

The analgesic properties are derived from the ursolic acid, which is excellent for fighting inflammation that develops in and around the cartilage of the hand and knee joints, without causing negative side effects. Pay close attention to how you can benefit from it.


  • 200 grams rosemary
  • 400ml water (2 cups)


All you have to do is make tea.

  • Bring the water to a boil and add some rosemary.
  • Let it steep for about twenty minutes, until it has cooled down to room temperature.
  • You can drink two cups of this infusion per day.

2. Ponytail


You can find horsetail in any health food and health food store. The great thing about horsetail is that in addition to being one of the best natural anti-inflammatories, it also provides essential vitamins and minerals. How should you take it?

Drink a simple tea twice a day. It’s so easy!

3. Turmeric


On this website we talk a lot about turmeric. This spicy spice is native to Asia and gives dishes an attractive color, but it is also excellent for treating joint pain. Don’t hesitate to use turmeric first before reaching for the ibuprofen to relieve the pain.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties , turmeric helps fight any inflammation in the body, while at the same time helping the body repair damaged tissues and eliminate toxins.

To take advantage of turmeric, make a rich tea using the following recipe:


  • 20 grams ground turmeric (1 tablespoon)
  • 750ml water (3 cups)
  • 60 grams of honey (3 tablespoons)


  • First bring the water to a boil.
  • Then add the tablespoon of turmeric. You will notice that the water immediately takes on an attractive yellow color.
  • Then let it cook for another ten minutes before removing it from the heat.
  • Then drain the liquid and add three tablespoons of honey to sweeten the drink.

You can drink this during the day to relieve inflammation and pain in the joints. It’s super easy!

4. Ginger


You probably knew that ginger would end up on this list. This medicinal root is possibly one of the best natural anti-inflammatory ingredients available, making it excellent for treating anything related to joint pain.

So on the days when you start to experience those aching joints, all you need to do is prepare the following home remedy:


  • 200 grams grated ginger root
  • 400ml water (2 cups)
  • 2 tablespoons honey


As in the previous recipes, you will make tea with this herb.

  • When the water starts to boil,  add the ginger.
  • Then let it simmer for twenty minutes.
  • Then let your tea sit for ten minutes before draining the liquid.
  • Then add two tablespoons of honey.

As you can see, honey is an essential ingredient in these types of home remedies, thanks to its natural properties. Honey it also helps to fight joint pain. Remember to drink two cups of this tea a day. It will give you relief.

5. Flaxseed

Flax seed

Flaxseed is also readily available in specialty food stores. It’s cheap and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, but do you know why it’s great for treating joint pain?

  • It is a natural source of omega 3 fatty acids. This helps to strengthen your body’s immune system and fight infections that cause inflammation in the joints. It’s a good idea to get omega 3 from plant sources, as those from animal fats can have the opposite effect (increased inflammation).
  • How should you consume flaxseed? You consume two tablespoons (40 grams) per day. You can eat it alone or add it to salads, but never boil it over, because this way the omega 3 is lost and you will not be able to digest it properly. Remember to eat it raw regularly. Your body will adapt to the extra vitamin intake and help reduce inflammation in your joints.

Always try to give natural anti-inflammatories a chance before reaching for the ibuprofen. However, also remember that you should always follow your doctor’s instructions first.

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