5 Plants To Remove Excess Mucus

Did you know that ginger, thanks to its composition, can be of great help in cleansing the bronchi and eliminating toxins and secretions? There are also other plant remedies that achieve the same goal.
5 Plants to Get Rid of Excess Slime

What can you do to clear excess mucus from the airways?

Mucus and other sticky secretions come from the respiratory tract. Their main job is to keep the area lubricated.

In addition, they bind and facilitate the expulsion of all pollutants and infectious matter from the environment.

This fluid is made up of glycoproteins, antibodies, and other substances that play a key role in immune system health.

Therefore, they are necessary in a way. When they deal with some infections, there are excessive amounts, causing congestion and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Fortunately, there are several natural solutions that can help reduce symptoms. These are in addition to conventional treatments to remove excess mucus.

Among the natural options are those based on plants. Their properties help in cleaning the lungs.

do you know them? We will share the best 5 plants to get rid of excess slime.

5 Plants to Get Rid of Excess Slime

1. Eucalyptus

Woman with white towel on her head for steaming

Eucalyptus leaves contain essential oils, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce irritation from excessive mucus.

The concentration of the eucalyptus helps to unclog the nose and also the airways. This eliminates secretions that impede normal airflow.


  • 3 tablespoons eucalyptus leaves
  • 2 cups of water


  • First, let the leaves and water boil for 5 minutes.
  • Then cover it so that the steam does not escape.


  • First, take the lid off the pan and bring your face close to the steam to inhale the vapors.
  • Then put a towel over your head to get the best results.
  • Do this for 5 to 10 minutes and then rest.
  • If necessary, repeat this the next day.

2. Oregano

Oregano leaves contain essential oils and antibiotics that help fight infections that cause excessive mucus production.

The infusion loosens the excess mucus and thereby helps to reduce congestion.


  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 cup boiling water


  • First put the oregano in the boiling water and cover.
  • Then let it steep for 10 minutes, strain it and drink it.


  • Drink 2 to 3 cups of tea daily, until the airways are open.

3. Thyme

White cup with a thyme tea

Thyme’s medicinal properties are used to help people recover faster from both the common cold and the flu.

It has a disinfectant, expectorant and anti-spasmodic composition that helps control cough and the irritation related to excess mucus.


  • 1/2 tablespoon thyme
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • First add the thyme to the water and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  • Then cover and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • When it’s done, strain it and sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.


  • Drink 2 cups of tea every day for 3 to 5 days.

4. Ginger

Gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, acts as an antibacterial, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. All this helps to relieve respiratory infections.

This composition  loosens the mucus in the bronchi, and also eliminates secretions and toxins.


  • 1/2 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • First grate the ginger until you have half a tablespoon. Then immediately put it in a cup of boiling water.
  • Then cover the infusion and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Then strain the tea and sweeten it with honey.


  • Drink up to 3 cups a day.
  • Do this for 2 or 3 days, until excessive mucus production is reduced.

5. Bay Leaves

Bowl with bay leaves

Bay leaves are full of natural components that benefit the lungs. They are therefore recommended as an aid to clear excess mucus and to reduce chest congestion.


  • 1 tablespoon bay leaves
  • 1 cup of water


  • First, add the bay leaves to the cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Then strain the tea and drink it.


  • Drink up to 2 cups of tea every day.
  • As an option, you can dip a clean cloth in the tea and apply it to the chest as a compress.
  • Repeat this treatment until the congestion is relieved and the excess mucus is gone.

Remember that, in addition to these remedies, you should increase your consumption of water and healthy drinks to help clear the airways.

In addition, as long as your airways are blocked, keep away from irritating chemicals, dust, and other volatiles that can make the problem worse.

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