6 Simple Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System

Some people are very often sick. Any change can weaken your immune system. How can you strengthen your immune system?
6 simple tips to strengthen your immune system

Some people get sick very often, be it due to weather changes, stressful periods, vacations, etc. Any changes can weaken your immune system and cause health problems, which in some cases almost always come back.

It’s important to learn how to strengthen your body’s defenses so that you can be healthier and prevent the diseases that become chronic when they occur frequently or are not treated properly. Discover in this article how you can naturally strengthen your immune system.

Tips to strengthen your immune system

In general, we share healthy remedies for specific diseases or aesthetic topics in our articles, but in this article we will give you some tips for your health in general. These tips have a general purpose in your body and improve the functioning of your organs and your immune system.

You should be consistent with these tips and follow them for several months, especially if you know you will get sick easily.

1. Drink water on an empty stomach

Water is a very simple and inexpensive remedy. You just need willpower to take advantage of all the traits. Water cleanses and hydrates your body, but we often forget this quickly. You forget to drink it or you find it difficult to drink a few glasses of water between meals.

Those who really take advantage of the benefits walk around all day with a bottle and sometimes even add a little lemon to make it easier to drink.

The best time to drink water is on an empty stomach, shortly after you get up, because this way you eliminate the toxins from the previous day and put your organs to work.

Give it a try. You will notice the difference within a few days.

2. Olive oil and lemon

olive oil and lemon

This is an ancient remedy that takes care of your liver and bladder, two vital organs for your health.

  • You just need to drink it on an empty stomach (after a few glasses of water).
  • Mix one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with one tablespoon of lemon juice.

This combination stimulates your liver and if you do it every day, it will help you remove potential gallstones.

3. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

glass with baking soda

This is a remedy that you should remember because it has a lot of benefits. It is a great cleanser and regulates your health. Simply drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of pure, organic apple cider vinegar and a pinch of baking soda an hour before each meal .

4. Mouthwash with oil

An oil mouthwash is a remedy that focuses on all kinds of problems with your mouth (cavities, gingivitis , ulcers, bad breath, etc.), but it also plays a role for your digestive system. It removes toxic substances through the oral mucus.

It’s very easy.

  • All you need is a quality vegetable oil (olive oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, etc.) and 15 minutes.
  • In the morning before you eat anything, put a few teaspoons of your favorite vegetable oil in your mouth and let it pass through your mouth for 15 minutes (just like a mouthwash).
  • Then spit it out and rinse your mouth with some water.

5. Raw Garlic

cloves of garlic

This medicinal food has been consumed for centuries. It is something that should be in your diet if you want to have excellent cardiovascular health. However, the problem with garlic is the bad breath it causes and in some cases it is not digested properly.

We recommend consuming it in the form of capsules or pills in these cases . However, for those who have no problem with this, we recommend the well-known Tibetan garlic remedy. A super easy and very effective therapy that you can make yourself at home.

According to Tibetan monks, you can only use it once every five years.

6. Eat something bitter before going to sleep

You should think about your liver every night because it is an organ that suffers a lot from:

  • a bad diet
  • Bad habits
  • Negative or suppressed emotions 

So we recommend not to overeat and always add some kind of bitter food or infusion, to improve the functioning of your liver.

You can choose from artichokes, endive or grapefruit. If you prefer to drink an infusion, good options include:

  • Boldo
  • Dandelion
  • Artichoke
  • milk thistle
  • dove chervil 

This simple advice will help you rest better at night, restore your energy and help your liver regenerate.

Images courtesy of elle_ann, morberg and katalopolis 

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