6 Useful Uses Of Distilled White Vinegar

Did you know that you can use white vinegar to clean and disinfect? Quickly discover these 6 useful uses of distilled white vinegar and help the environment. 
6 Useful Uses Of Distilled White Vinegar

Many people try to live a healthier and more environmentally friendly life and are also exchanging more and more chemical products for 100% natural products. These  are also often cheaper than commercial products and are healthier for you and the environment. Some can be used for multiple purposes, such as distilled white vinegar that can be used in the kitchen and numerous uses around the house.

Following are the 6 most useful uses of white vinegar.

Try them soon!

1. Unclog pipes with distilled white vinegar

Unclog pipes with distilled white vinegar

Clogged pipes are very common in the home, especially in the kitchen where a lot of food waste ends up in the sink.

There are a number of chemical products to unclog your pipes, but these are very harmful to the environment.

Fortunately, distilled white vinegar  can be used as a perfect alternative to unclog your pipes. It also helps to remove bad odors. 


  • 200 grams baking soda
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 250 ml white vinegar
  • 1 liter of boiling water

How do you proceed?

  • First, remove the water from the sink.
  • Then pour the baking soda, salt and vinegar into the pipe.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes and then pour boiling water over it.

2. Distilled White Vinegar As Conditioner

Conditioner is a beauty product to nourish and soften your  hair. 

There are different types and brands for every type of hair. But for people who prefer a natural remedy, white vinegar is the ideal alternative.


  • 2 cups of warm water (500 ml)
  • 1 cup white vinegar (250 ml)

How do you proceed?

  • Dilute the cup of white vinegar first by adding two cups of warm water before treating your hair with it.
  • Then leave it on for  8 to 10 minutes and then rinse your hair.
  • Then enjoy your radiant, soft locks!

3. Cleaning wooden furniture with distilled white vinegar

Cleaning wooden furniture with distilled white vinegar

Wooden furniture gets dirty quite quickly due to the accumulation of dust, contact with water or the formation of mold.

Instead of treating your furniture with expensive cleaning products, you can use  distilled

white vinegar and olive oil make your furniture shine again in an alternative and natural way.


  • 1/4 cup white vinegar (62 ml)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (50 g)

How do you proceed?

  • All you have to do is combine the two ingredients and cover your furniture with a cloth. It couldn’t be simpler!

4. Make a multi-purpose cleaner with distilled white vinegar

White vinegar has a disinfecting effect and can therefore be used for  almost all cleaning jobs in the house.

You can use it to  clean the bathroom, the floor, the kitchen and other areas that get dirty quickly.


  • 1 cup white vinegar (250 ml)
  • 1 cup warm water (250 ml)
  • 10 drops of essential tea tree oil
  • An atomizer

How do you proceed?

  • First, mix the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Then pour everything into the atomizer.
  • Then spray the self-prepared cleaning agent over the desired surface and wipe with a cloth.

Easy, right?

5. Remove Rust with Distilled White Vinegar

Remove rust with distilled white vinegar

Rusty tools don’t work as they should. If the rust is very advanced, you can no longer use the tools at all.

But with distilled white  vinegar you can make them as good as new again.


  • 1 cup white vinegar (250 ml)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

How do you proceed?

  • First, mix the water with the vinegar and let the rusty implements soak in the mix for two to three days.
  • Then rinse them well with water.

6. Sanitize and clean your fridge with distilled white vinegar

Spilled food and crumbs can make your refrigerator dirty and smell bad.

Would you rather not use soap and cleaning products in your fridge? Then get started with the disinfecting and cleaning properties of vinegar.


  • 1 cup warm water (250 ml)
  • 1 cup white vinegar (250 ml)
  • An atomizer

How do you proceed?

  • First, mix the water and vinegar.
  • Then pour the mix into the atomizer.
  • Then spray the mix in the door and inside of your refrigerator. Leave on for 10 minutes and then wipe clean with a microfibre cloth.

Did you know these practical uses of white vinegar? Now that you’ve discovered these handy tricks, vinegar will undoubtedly become indispensable in your home!

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