8 Moisturizing Hair Masks With Honey

Did you know that honey has moisturizing properties? So you can use it to make moisturizing hair masks. In addition, these masks are full of vitamins and minerals.

Honey is a natural sweetener. You can use it in infinite ways. You can also make  natural hair masks with honey  .

It has all kinds of effects on your body, including the following:

  • Relieving cough;
  • Promote memory;
  • Heal wounds;
  • Converting and processing alcohol.

You should also know that honey has a moisturizing effect. It contains many nutrients and which it releases while moisturizing the hair.

In addition, it counteracts excessive hair loss and dandruff, while at the same time making the hair shine beautifully.

So read this article to find out how to make honey hair masks. Here you will find all the information about the effects of honey on the hair.

1. Honey and Milk Hair Masks

Your hair consists of proteins that are necessary for growth and continuous repair.

By using milk and honey, you promote hair growth and the vitality of your hair.

What do you need for this hair mask?

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g);
  • 1/2 cup milk (125 ml).

How do you make the mask?

  • Mix the honey and milk. Once they are well mixed, use the mixture on your hair.
  • Massage it in. Start at the root and spread to the ends.
  • Leave it on for fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair thoroughly with plenty of water.

2. Honey and Aloe Vera Hair Masks

This second honey hair mask is an exceptional moisturizing aid for the scalp and hair follicles. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that make the hair stronger, more vibrant and radiant.

What do you need?

  • 1 leaf aloe vera;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).

How do you make it and how do you use it?

  • Remove the gel from the aloe vera leaf. Mix the gel with the honey and then apply it to your hair.
  • Leave it on for an hour or two.
  • Finally, wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

3. Honey and Coconut Oil Hair Masks

This is our third hair mask that you can also use to remove makeup. In addition, it is a care cream for the eyes and a treatment to firm up the sagging skin on your arms and thighs.

What do you need to make this remedy?

  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g);
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).

How do you use this hair mask?

  • Mix the two ingredients very well.
  • Do it on your hair.
  • Let it act for two hours. Then rinse it well with plenty of warm water.

You do not need to use shampoo with this mask. If you do, make sure it’s a natural shampoo.

4. Honey and Yogurt Hair Masks

Yogurt contains a lot of lactic acid. Therefore, this is an ideal remedy to combine with honey and use for hair masks.

Together, these two ingredients form a mask that prevents hair loss and gives your hair back its full strength.

What do you need for this?

  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt (25 g);
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).

How do you prepare it?

  • Mix the two ingredients. The result is a cream, which you then apply to the hair.
  • Massage it in gently. Make sure it penetrates thoroughly into the hair strands.
  • Leave it on for one hour and rinse with warm water.

5. Honey and Oat Hair Masks


Oats are a great and complete food that is not only very good for your diet. It also supports scalp health.

This hair mask makes short shrift of dandruff as well as inflammation and irritation of the scalp.

What do you need?

  • 1/2 cup oat flour (25 g);
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g);
  • 10 drops of almond oil.

How do you prepare?

  • Mix all ingredients and apply to your hair.
  • Then let it act for an hour.
  • Wash hair as usual. Also use conditioner if you are used to it.

6. Honey, lemon and strawberry hair masks

Strawberries are high in antioxidants and minerals. These give them the ability to gradually restore weakened hair.

Lemons, in turn, have purifying powers, which in turn means that your hair retains its natural shine.

In combination, these two ingredients provide hydration to your hair, remove dandruff and help against scalp irritation.

What ingredients do you need for this hair mask?

  • 3 strawberries;
  • The juice of a 1/2 lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).

How do you prepare it?

  • Crush the strawberries and mix them with the lemon juice and honey.
  • Apply it to your hair. Then cover the hair with a warm towel or shower cap.
  • Let it soak for an hour.
  • Wash hair as usual. Also use a conditioner if you are used to it.

7. Honey and Avocado Hair Masks

This mask helps to make your hair strong again and prevent split ends.

Because avocados contain a lot of water and oil, they are a nutritious moisturizer that works immediately.

This mask is ideal for those with dry hair or who frequently use a flat iron or otherwise use excessive heat on the hair.

What do you need for this?

  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g).

How do you prepare the hair mask and how do you use it?

  • Crush the avocado and mix it with the honey.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair and cover it with a towel.
  • Let it act for one hour. Then wash your hair as usual.

8. Honey and Banana Hair Masks


The last hair mask with honey contains a large amount of zinc. This mineral strengthens the hair and at the same time prevents hair loss.

Plus, it’s a good way to put an overripe banana to good use.

What do you need?

  • 1 ripe, peeled banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).

How do you prepare it?

  • Crush the banana and make a paste of it.
  • Then add the honey and mix well.
  • Apply it on the hair. Cover your head with a warm towel or shower cap.
  • Let it act for one hour. Then wash your hair and use conditioner as usual.

A note: banana is sometimes difficult to wash out. Therefore it is better to add a little bit of oil to the recipe. This makes the paste smoother and easier to wash out. You can also use warm water to wash it out.

Each hair mask in this article has an immediate effect. It can even turn out better than the products in the beauty salon!

In addition, these hair masks are both natural and affordable. So you can use them as much as you want!

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