Yoga For Beginners: Get To Know 5 Basic Poses

Are you new to this discipline? Then remember that listening to your body and knowing your own limits is the most important. Don’t try to perform difficult poses if you’re not ready yet.
Yoga for beginners: get to know 5 basic poses

Yoga as a discipline is a system of exercises composed of postures or asanas. With each posture you apply flexibility, strength and meditation. Yoga for beginners starts with some basic poses.

If you want to make progress in this practice, you need dedication and commitment. In this article we show you five basic postures that can help you get started.

The system of asanas comes from Hindu texts on yoga. Each asana has a name in Sanskrit and a specific technique.

The practice of yoga can be at a basic level or an advanced level. In any case, it is important that you are connected to the present moment.

These basic poses are a good practice of yoga for beginners.

  • They’re not complicated. They are also natural postures.
  • You also don’t have to be an expert in the technique to perform them properly.
  •  These exercises give you the chance to relax.

If you haven’t started yoga yet, here are 5 basic poses. Take the step. Enjoy the ability that yoga for beginners has to connect you with your own body and with your soul.

Don’t worry if you don’t execute it perfectly. With a little persistence and discipline you will get better and better.

Yoga for beginners

Basic poses in yoga

1.  Savasana or Death Pose

The dead pose is ideal for breathing and relaxation.

  • You start by lying on your back with your legs spread.
  • Place the arms away from the body while the palms are facing up. Let your fingers relax and curl them up a bit too.
  • Relax the ankles, knees, thighs and calves.

Savasana  will let your body release all the tension it was carrying. It will also let you breathe. You don’t have to make an effort. Just lie down and breathe in and out.

2.  Utkatasana  or Chair Pose

The chair position will strengthen your back and legs. At the same time, it releases the tension in your spine. How do you perform  utkasana  ?

  • Stand with legs together, arms at your sides and feet hip-width apart.
  • Then inhale and lift the arms toward the ceiling. Activate the arm muscles. You should also keep the palms facing forward.
  • Then bring the arms up to about the height of your ears.
  • Then bend your knees. Try not to let the knees extend past the ankles.

3.  Svanasana  or Downward Facing Dog

The Downward Facing Dog pose is one of the most basic yoga poses. You will often come across this position. It is called a resting point. That’s because it relaxes your back after building up tension during the other poses.

  • You can start this pose standing or lying down. This depends on what you are used to.
  • Spread the legs hip-width apart. Then, inhale deeply and lift the arms toward the ceiling.
  • Exhale and bend at the hips until your hands touch the floor.
  • Then step back and lift the hips. Make a V-shape with your body.

4.  Bhujangasana or Snake Pose  (the Cobra)

Bhujangasana or snake pose

In the cobra pose you stretch the abdomen and lower back.

  • To start, lie on the mat face down. Place the arms slightly away from the body. The palms are facing the floor.
  • Then inhale and bring the palms to just below the shoulders.
  • Extend the legs back. Also make sure that the tips of your feet touch the mat.
  • Then you also straighten the arms while arching one back. Also, bring the head back.

5.  Padmasana or lotus pose 

The lotus position is an ideal position to meditate and relax your body. That is because the  padmasana  opens the body and mind to the energy present in the class.

  • To start, you sit on a mat. You keep your back straight and your legs straight.
  • Then bend one knee and bring your foot toward you. Here you hold the foot with your hand.
  • Then place the foot on top of the thigh of the other leg, close to the hip.
  • Once your legs are crossed, place your hands on your knees. You breathe in and out slowly.

These basic poses are simple yoga poses. You can combine them in many different ways.

So relax and don’t be afraid to start with yoga for beginners! It will make you stronger in both body and mind.

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