6 Ideas To Make Your Living Room Look Bigger

Who said a small space was a limitation? If you know how to use elements well and apply a little creativity, you can turn a small space into a fun and versatile room.
6 ideas to make your living room look bigger

Have you ever wondered how to make your living room look bigger? To get the most out of small spaces like a living room, it’s best to use decorative elements to make your living room look bigger.

Houses today are usually not as big as they were a few years ago. As a result, many rooms tend to be smaller. However, this should not be seen as a limitation.

It is always possible to find a way to get the most out of a space. You just have to look at things from a less conventional point of view to find some hip alternatives. This way you can really create spaces from your dreams.

With a few tricks you can really create a sense of size and depth. You need to know how to create the illusion that you have gained extra space. In this article, we’ll share some of these tricks.

6 ideas to make your living room look bigger

1. Use light colors

Large white living room

The colors you use when you paint the walls are very important if you want to make your living room look bigger. If your living room is small, you should always use light colors. Pastel, cream and white tones make a room look much better and really lighten up.

Strong and dark colors, on the other hand, shrink the space. We also do not recommend painting the ceiling in a strong color. You need to paint the ceiling a little lighter than the walls. This makes the room even brighter and looks a bit nicer.

Recommended colors

  • Lilac
  • Beige
  • sky blue
  • salmon
  • Light green
  • Light pink
  • Blurred colors in general, like a watercolor
  • White (and its various shades such as ivory, chalk, etc.)

2. Leave an empty space in the living room

Very bright window

A brilliant trick is to leave an empty space in front of a window. This allows more light to enter and gives the room more depth. It also ensures that your gaze is turned outward.

Try it out and see how this simple step can really make your living room look bigger and brighter, without having to make any major changes.

3. Use mirrors to make your living room look bigger

Mirror to make your living room look bigger

This is a typical decorating trick. If you hang a large mirror on a wall that doesn’t have too many decorations, it will create an impression of space. One mirror is enough. If you use too many you will overload the space and the effect will be lost.

  • Use only one large mirror.
  • Place it perpendicular to the entrance to the room.
  • Try to place it as close to a door or window as possible.
  • Try not to decorate that wall too much.
  • A floor-to-ceiling mirror adds a lot of depth.

4. Living Room Furniture

Living room with old furniture

When choosing your furniture and decorations for a small space, try to keep these tips in mind to make the space look bigger. The brain sees distant objects as simpler and with less detail. Below we share a list of furniture and how you can use it to make your living room look bigger.

  • First, choose light furniture.
  • Look for accessories with warm or neutral colors.
  • It is better to use furniture with less details.
  • Less is more. One large piece of furniture is better than many small pieces of furniture.
  • Do not use too many decorations and the room will seem more spacious.

5. Choose small furniture

Decorate living room

If you use low furniture, you create depth, because you can see the whole room without any obstacles. Stools and poufs work very well for this. You can also give this furniture a double function to optimize the space. For example, the pouf can be opened and offer storage space.

6. Order and organization

Organized living room

Like everything in life, order and organization provide more space and comfort. We recommend that you place the largest piece of furniture in the back of the room, as far away from the door as possible. Organize the rest of the furniture in a balanced way to identify the spaces in the room.

  • Use a horizontal bookshelf for your decorations. It will take up less space than a closet.
  • Don’t let a piece of furniture obstruct your view. Empty space promotes the sense of distance.
  • Dark thick curtains do not help to create a bright room. Leave windows uncovered or use thin fabric curtains.
  • Do not collect unnecessary items. To make your living room look bigger, it’s better to have a little rather than a lot.
  • However you do it, try to keep everything in place. Disorder makes the room come close to you and makes you feel like everything is on top of you.
  • Try to figure out which space should best be kept empty or contain only one item. This could be the ‘visual relief area’.
  • We do not recommend using large paintings or works of art as they take up a lot of space.
  • Try going for a minimalist style or something similar. The idea is to be practical, elegant and space conscious.

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