6 Characteristics Of Emotional Intelligence

It is very important to know and accept yourself, but it is equally important to understand others and learn to develop empathy for those around you.
6 characteristics of emotional intelligence

You have probably also read for years that it is important to get the best out of your emotional intelligence. In addition, everyone tells us that we have to pull out all the stops to sharpen this quality as much as possible.

Do you eventually no longer see the trees for the forest? You just feel like you need to learn and develop a lot of new skills. However, you have no idea how to discover these skills and whether you are already on the right path.

People with a high level of emotional intelligence are able to handle their feelings and the feelings of others very well. They always seem to have the right words and responses ready. In addition, they do not fall into the trap of endless and endless discussions.

However, reality shows that becoming aware of your emotions and managing them at the same time is often a complicated process. So set your own goals first. After all, that is a productive attitude to life.

Everyone, without exception, has the ability to experience emotions. You can also teach them to control and set boundaries to discover and share healthy, emotional experiences.

This article describes some simple attitudes to life that emotionally intelligent people often have in common. You can also teach them to be emotionally stronger in your shoes.


1. Emotionally intelligent people possess self-knowledge

Emotionally intelligent people understand where their feelings come from. They also understand why they feel good or sometimes not so good. They are also well able to understand the cause of certain emotions. This makes it easier to deal with conflict and to survive in more difficult situations.

It is not an easy task, because your emotional life is quite complicated. It is not always easy to find out what triggers strong emotions such as anger, fear or cheerfulness for you. It takes an open mind and a lot of effort to discover exactly how your emotional path works.

2. Emotionally intelligent people make decisions

People with high emotional intelligence are also sometimes afraid. But they don’t make hasty decisions. Instead, they take enough time to weigh up all the pros and cons.

Developing your emotional intelligence will surely help you discover and accept your own responsibilities for your future. It becomes much clearer which decisions will help you plan your own life path.

3. Emotionally intelligent people are excellent managers of their feelings

According to Daniel Goleman and other researchers who have already studied this topic, self-awareness is one of the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. It enables you to recognize and place your own feelings, moods and emotions.

In addition, this feature also allows you to see the effect of your moods on those around you. Controlling your emotions is therefore a second important part of emotionally dealing with your loved ones and everyone around you.

If you are able to recognize and control your emotions, you will immediately notice that your relationship with yourself and with those around you becomes and remains healthy. You are no longer the plaything of those intense feelings, but you are the one who holds the emotional power.


4. Emotionally intelligent people know empathy

Empathy or being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is also an important part of emotional intelligence. Seeing how the other person feels makes relationships a lot easier and can help you deal better with disagreements and conflicts.

Perhaps you used to take the habit of numbing your senses and feelings, but you have probably noticed that you can never really escape your own feelings or those of your loved ones, friends and acquaintances.

Empathy and control over your reactions makes you a lot better able to function well in different social situations.

5. Emotionally intelligent people live with an open heart

Confidence and an open heart are the two characteristics of living with high emotional intelligence. Opening up and putting your prejudices aside keeps relationships healthy and enjoyable.

Emotional intelligence not only helps you deal with your own feelings and those of others, but also enables you to communicate clearly and clearly. And isn’t that exactly what makes life at home as well as your actions at work so much more pleasant?

6. Emotionally intelligent people show motivation to achieve their goals

Self-knowledge and self-confidence are your allies if you want to make something of your life. It means becoming aware of your own responsibility for your happiness and failure. You alone are now responsible for taking the hurdles. You have to solve problems to reach your goal.


Tips to increase your emotional intelligence

Indeed , there is no relationship at all between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence. Someone can hold a high position and be perfectly educated, but score absolutely low on life experience and dealing with loved ones.

To balance

There are plenty of tips that you can apply every day to better understand and handle your feelings:

  • Get to know yourself better : ask yourself questions and examine your own actions and values. Take a moment every day to reflect on yourself. In this way you will discover how it helps you to gain insight into your own emotional evolution.
  • Control your emotions : not an easy task, but well worth it. Do you notice that the inner child predominates? Then take a few minutes to relax. In addition, remember that you are solely responsible for how you act and react.
  • Show empathy : Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, even if it feels painful or uncomfortable. You will understand that everyone has their own story. You will also notice that you will cope better with difficult situations.
  • Discover your daily motivation : wake up every day with the goal of improving your own emotional intelligence. Remember that great successes grow from small actions.

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