3 Good Exercises For Pregnant Women

Unless a doctor specifies otherwise, exercise during pregnancy offers numerous benefits for pregnancy and delivery. In this article, we share some techniques and tips about exercises for pregnant women that you should know.
3 good exercises for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a rest period unless directed by a doctor. If it is a safe and healthy pregnancy, you should stay active to fight the build-up of excess weight and facilitate the delivery. However, it is essential to choose the right kind of exercise and exercises for pregnant women.

Also keep in mind that if you exercise regularly, this habit will also help you recover after giving birth. These are all benefits, which is why we decided to share the best exercises you can do during pregnancy.

Before you start exercising for pregnant women

The intensity

Pregnant women sitting on a fitness ball

We recommend going to specific classes for pregnant women or doing moderate-intensity exercise.

The intensity of the exercises for pregnant women always depends on the directions of the doctor. How much was trained before the pregnancy is also very important.

In general, experts recommend a moderate intensity. For example, activities where you can breathe or speak comfortably. For example, you can do half-hour sessions four times a week.

The warm up before doing exercises for pregnant women

You should never start exercising until you have warmed up, especially during pregnancy. Remember that your body is changing in weight and shape. Therefore, the first step in exercise for pregnant women is gentle stretching.

Once you are done stretching, you should never start moving abruptly. Always do it gradually so that your muscles can warm up. If you suffer from cramps or tend to get injured, you need to be very careful. A good option is doing exercises in the water such as hydrotherapy.

Other tips

  • First, drink plenty of water or natural drinks while exercising.
  • Always let your instructor know you are pregnant. In addition, it is a good option to do exercises and activities that are specifically intended for pregnant women.
  • Avoid sports where you can fall, or do them carefully.

If you’re not motivated (since exercise takes a lot more effort than before), think about the benefits exercise provides. Getting enough exercise can help to reduce a number of complaints that often occur during pregnancy, such as:

  • blockage
  • swelling of the feet
  • nerves

3 exercises for pregnant women

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Good exercises for pregnant women for the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is made up of a set of muscles and ligaments that close off the lower abdominal cavity. Training the pelvic floor is extremely important to compensate for the weight gain that this part of the body has to support and that will play a major role during labour. It also helps fight urinary incontinence.

  • You can do this exercise lying down, standing or sitting. It can even be done sitting on a Pilates or fitness ball!
  • First of all, inhale. When you exhale, you exert force as if you were squeezing your anus and vagina, as if you were holding back. Try to hold for 10 seconds.
  • Exhale and relax, becoming aware of your relaxed pelvic floor.
  • Do three sets of eight reps throughout the day. Plus, you can do them discreetly at any time.

2. Exercise to relax your lower back

  • First, get on all fours, with your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and your knees at hip height. Your back should be straight. In yoga, this pose is known as the cat pose.
  • Inhale and, as you exhale slowly, push your belly up and arch your back like a cat.
    Hold this position for a few seconds as you finish exhaling.
  • Move your head to your chest. you should feel this exercise in each vertebra as you want to give your back mobility and release all the pressure that supports your lower back.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position. Remember not to push your stomach down, but to stay in a neutral position.
  • Do 10 reps at least twice a day.

3. Pelvic, Abdominal and Lower Back Exercise

Pregnant woman with back pain
  • First, support your back against the wall and bend your knees slightly.
  • Then imagine that you want to pull your belly button in until it touches the wall. You will see how your pelvis makes a movement to elevate your pubic area as you exhale.
  • Stay like this for about five seconds and exhale all the air.
  • Then return to the starting position while inhaling.
  • Repeat 10 times, twice a day.

These exercises for pregnant women are both simple and relaxing. Exercise for pregnant women should combine moderate-intensity sports with these exercises as they help prepare your body for labor.

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