Did You Know That Working Too Much Can Affect Your Heart?

There is a connection between working too much and the heart. Read on to learn more about this.
Did you know that working too much can affect your heart?

Did you know it’s important to divide your days into sections to prevent working too much from affecting your health? After all, it is important to do various activities in addition to resting and having fun.

Today the world is very demanding and hectic.

Levels of tension and turmoil are ready to explode at any moment.  Time flies by and the work seems to be increasing all the time.

Many people are overwhelmed by the amount of work they have. Unfortunately, this is a major factor in the development of heart disease.

There are many people who work extra hours these days. In addition to missing time to enjoy life, doing so can seriously endanger your health and increase the risk of heart attacks.

Working is good, but don’t overdo it. Everything should have limits.

The health consequences of working too much

When you work more than usual, your body feels this. In addition, the signals appear earlier than you can imagine.

It starts with showing all kinds of fatigue symptoms such as:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Backache

The problem is that many people don’t pay attention to these kinds of signals.

Even one extra hour of work a day can affect your health. What people normally do when there is a lot of work is to work harder.

If you do this, however, your health is at great risk. Working too much puts your health at risk.

Physical or mental work

Man is full of stress with hands in hair

These health consequences don’t just stem from physical health. Work that involves mental effort can also have consequences.

These are the main causes of conditions such as stress and restlessness. In addition to working too much, additional factors can also be harmful:

  • Working too much in combination with obesity and sedentary work increases the risk of a heart attack.
  • The situation worsens if the person is a smoker. This is a dangerous combination with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Preventing heart attacks and strokes

Working too much is one of the main causes of these types of attacks.

Agitation, stress and exhaustion all come from working too much. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the signals your body is giving you.

Take measures to avoid these kinds of problems. Please note that you cannot postpone these fixes forever. This could mean it’s too late.

Advice for your working day

Woman holds nose bridge
  • First, it is necessary to establish a standard working day.
  • Extra hours should only be added if absolutely necessary. If your body is already affected, then it is better not to work extra hours.
  • Not taking work home is a good option to avoid heart problems. When leaving the workplace, it is good to disconnect from your work. It is not convenient to come home and continue working. After all, this is the same as working extra hours.
  • A person should divide the day into three parts: work, rest and leisure.
  • If possible, the three parts should be of equal length. The healthiest way is to spend 8 hours on each part.

A positive mental view of problems at work

Man sitting with hands in front of his face

An obsession with work has negative consequences. Extra hours ultimately lead to health care costs.

Don’t forget that your  health comes first. This goes for work in progress, problems with colleagues or responsibilities.

All this is intertwined with the important issue of disconnection. It is also very important not to take home problems from work.

To be able to disconnect, physical activities and relaxation can be of great help.

A good half-hour walk, a sport, the gym or a dance class are all good options for clearing your head. Also, there are other similar activities like music, meditation, hobbies, etc.

Take care of yourself and your body will thank you. 

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