Burn Off Excess Belly Fat With These Great Chair Exercises

For the best results, and to get rid of your belly fat once and for all, it’s important to perform these exercises consistently. In addition, you should combine them with a healthy and balanced diet.
Burn excess belly fat with these great chair exercises

A regular exercise routine is one of the habits that can support your diet if your goal is to burn excess belly fat and lose a few inches around your waist.

Exercise makes your metabolism faster. In addition, it helps to make your muscles stronger and better formed, which will make your figure look slimmer.

The problem is that not everyone has enough time to go to the gym, so most feel like they can only do a few exercises since they don’t have all kinds of different equipment at home.

However, you don’t have to be an expert in this area to get a good workout. Actually, there are plenty of ways to lose weight and flatten your stomach a bit, without even having to leave the house.

In this article we therefore share five very interesting exercises for which you only need a chair. These exercises can help you get that belly you crave. Brace yourself!

1. Knees to your chest

Burn excess belly fat with an exercise on a stool

The exercise where you pull your knees to your chest is an exercise that requires a lot of effort, making it great for burning fat and toning your body.

Doing this exercise daily will strengthen your abs and may even improve your digestion.

How to do this exercise

  • Sit on a stool without a backrest, with your back completely straight.
  • Keep your feet and legs together and place your hands next to your hips.
  • Then pull your knees up toward your chest without touching your chest.
  • Use your abs to lift your legs up and slowly lower them back to the starting position.
  • Do four sets of about fifteen to twenty reps.

2. Pull your knees sideways

For this exercise, you’ll sit in a similar position to the previous exercise, making this a great exercise for working the muscles in your abdomen and waist.

By pulling your knees out to the side, this exercise will also help eliminate “fat rolls.”

How to do this exercise

  • Sit on the edge of your chair or stool, with your back straight and your hands next to your hips.
  • Then lean to one side, supporting yourself only with your glutes.
  • Keep your legs together and then pull both knees up at the same time.
  • Bring your knees as close to your chest as you can, then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  • Do fifteen reps, then switch sides.
  • Do three or four sets of this.

3. Inward Knee Lifts

Burn excess belly fat with knee lifts

This movement ensures that the lower abdominal muscles are put to work. After a while, this exercise can make your waistline slimmer.

In this case, one of your knees is supposed to touch the opposite elbow. In addition, the intention is that you also turn your side a little at the same time.

How to do this exercise

  • Sit up straight, without leaning completely against the chair. Place your hand against the side of your head.
  • Pull one of your knees up toward your chest and at the same time pull the elbow of your opposite arm toward your chest.
  • Then go back to the starting position. Do fifteen reps.
  • Then switch sides. Do a total of four sets.

4. Bend to the side

This exercise is not only good if you want to burn excess belly fat and slim your waist, but it also helps to strengthen your glutes at the same time.

How to do this exercise

  • Stand behind a chair so that you can hold onto the back of the chair with one hand.
  • Stretch the other arm above your head and stand on your toes at the same time.
  • Then lower your arm again and at the same time pull your foot up so that your heel can touch your hand.
  • Return to the starting position and do 10 to 15 more reps.
  • Then switch sides. Do a total of four sets.

5. Burn Excess Belly Fat With Treadmill Lifts

Burn excess belly fat with chair lifts

To make this routine a little harder, you can also train your abs by supporting yourself with a chair with a back.

This movement will ensure that you burn a lot of calories and that your muscles are better formed.

How to do this exercise

  • Sit on a chair and place your hands on the seating area.
  • Then push your body up so that your buttocks and legs come off the chair.
  • As you do this, contract your abs and pull your knees up and toward your stomach.
  • Hold this pose for about fifteen to twenty seconds and then rest.
  • Return to starting position and do four more reps.

Be consistent! Now that you know how to train your abs at home with nothing more than a chair, you have no excuse not to make a daily habit of this and do your best to get good results.

At the same time, keep in mind that you have to support your body with a good diet, so that the effectiveness of the exercises will be more visible and burning excess belly fat becomes a breeze.

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