Why You Can’t Get Rid Of Your Cellulite

Are you having trouble getting rid of that stubborn and unattractive orange peel? Your eating habits may be the culprit.
Why you can't get rid of your cellulite

If you’ve been trying to get rid of your unattractive cellulite for a long time , but still haven’t succeeded, there may be more to it than you might initially think. Perhaps you regularly eat certain foods that hinder the achievement of your goal.

Let’s take a look at the factors that can keep you from getting rid of that pesky orange peel.

You’ve probably tried almost every cellulite-eliminating agent before, but none have really worked. No matter how much money you spend and no matter how many products you try, you will continue to suffer from those ugly pits in your skin.

In this article, we’ll discuss some possible reasons why you haven’t been able to get rid of your cellulite yet, so that you can get a better idea of ​​your own situation and solve this problem once and for all.

Personalize your fight against cellulite


Cellulite is not always the same for everyone, so it cannot always be eliminated in the same way. While one method may produce great results for one, the same method may not make any difference to another.

That’s why you need to find out which factors influence your cellulite. This is the best way to achieve the desired results without making unnecessary sacrifices.

While it’s always true that a healthy lifestyle can help eliminate cellulite, knowing the exact cause can help you eliminate the problem even faster.

You consume way too much salt

Consuming an excessive amount of salt is the cause of many health and aesthetic problems. Eating a lot of salt often will make your body retain more fluid and can make cellulite worse. In addition, salt makes it more difficult to get rid of cellulite.

Even if you don’t think you use much salt at all when cooking or if you don’t eat a lot of salty things in general, it’s important to know that there is often a lot of salt hidden in ready-to-eat foods, such as :

  • Pizza
  • Cheese
  • canned food
  • Fermented foods
  • Dried fruit
  • etc.

So try to eat these types of products as little as possible and only consume small amounts of sea salt from now on.

3. You have unhealthy eating habits

Eating unhealthy

One of the main causes of cellulite is an unhealthy diet. In addition to excessive salt consumption, which is one of the most determining factors, you should also be aware of the other factors that can cause cellulite.

  • Refined Grains: Always choose whole grains that are rich in fiber and other nutrients.
  • White sugar: Eliminate white sugar completely from your diet from now on and consume only honey, brown cane sugar and stevia, in moderation of course.
  • Hydrogenated fats: these are fats such as margarine and fried foods. Replace these types of fats with healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, dried fruits and seeds, avocado etc.
  • Coffee: green tea in this case is a very healthy alternative and also has properties that help to counteract cellulite.
  • Alcoholic drinks: If you need a boost, try making your own juices or smoothies from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Lack of exercise

You may already be on a healthy diet and even use daily creams to combat your cellulite. However hard you try, those pits in your skin just won’t go away. Perhaps in your case a lack of exercise is the culprit.

Try not to sit or stand still for more than 45 minutes at a time and do light or intense exercise at least two to three times a week. Also try to avoid the elevator, to make your daily routine a little more active anyway.

Poor circulation


If you naturally have quite poor circulation, it will unfortunately be a little more difficult for you to get rid of your cellulite than for other women. However, don’t let this stop you. The good news is that you can do several things to improve your circulation:

  • Taking cold showers or alternating between cold and hot water several times.
  • Massaging your legs with essential oils that promote circulation, such as rosemary oil.
  • Dry brushing
  • Lie with your legs up for half an hour a day.


Your hormones can also influence the development of cellulite, making it more difficult for some women to effectively combat cellulite. This is true even for women who are actually very thin.

If this is the case for you, we recommend that you look for a natural treatment that can help regulate your hormones. Some very suitable means for this are:

  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • linseed oil
  • Fennel
  • brewer’s yeast
  • monk pepper
  • Sage

You are not drinking enough water

To drink water

Many people don’t give enough importance to drinking enough water during the day,  when it can be one of the easiest ways to get rid of cellulite.

Drinking plenty of water while fasting or between meals can help clear your body of toxins. This improves circulation and is an easy way to constantly combat fluid retention.

Drink two glasses of water daily without eating and three glasses of water in the morning to flush out toxins from your body. Then drink three more glasses in the afternoon. You will definitely notice a difference here.

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