Watch Your Weight With Artichoke

Because of its dietary fiber, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, artichoke may help you manage your weight. In this article we explain how you can take advantage of the benefits.
Watch your weight with artichoke

Many people have decided to take advantage of artichoke with the aim of staying healthy and watching their weight. This wonderful plant, whose scientific name is Cynara scolymus L., has become known for its nutritional properties.

It has always been a part of gastronomy as it is easy to prepare and can be combined with many other ingredients. In addition, the plant is also an amazing natural remedy, as it has the potential to promote the prevention and treatment of certain conditions.

Most interestingly, artichoke is very low in calories and a source of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, both in its natural state and in extracts, it may help you manage your weight without any health risks.

Properties of artichoke you should know

Cut artichoke into pieces

Because of the inulin, flavonoids and minerals it contains, artichoke is a highly nutritious product that has been prized since ancient times. Its regular intake can help you meet your body’s nutritional needs and, in turn, can benefit your metabolism.

It also contains cynarin and luteolin, compounds that may help improve liver function for optimal fat digestion. It can also act as a natural diuretic, which can promote the elimination of fluids in the tissues.

In addition, its vitamin A and C content can help strengthen defenses and limit some of the negative effects of inflammation and oxidation. In addition, it contains a significant amount of fiber, which means it can help improve bowel movements and reduce the risk of constipation.

The Potential Benefits of Artichoke

The benefits of artichoke are distinct from those of other natural ingredients. While this vegetable has become popular to help people watch their weight, it also has many other potential benefits that are worth highlighting.

  • It can help control appetite.
  • It may fight liver conditions, such as jaundice and fatty liver.
  • Artichoke may reduce the risk of gallstones and may help treat them.
  • It can help reduce the symptoms of food allergies, thanks to its ability to regenerate the liver.
  • It may lower high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Artichoke is also a powerful diuretic and can help reduce edema.
  • It regulates the minerals in the body and thus may reduce the risk of hypertension.
  • This vegetable can help to facilitate the elimination of excess uric acid in gout.
  • It may combat constipation.
  • It can help improve metabolic activity and reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

How can artichoke help you watch your weight?

watch your weight with artichoke

Many diet plans recommend consuming artichoke as a supplement to help burn fat more easily. This is due to its ability to enhance liver and metabolic function, which can have a direct impact on weight loss processes.

It should actually be added to any diet as it is a very low calorie food. It may also prolong a feeling of fullness and help rid the body of unnecessary fluids and toxins.

This is how you consume artichoke to possibly improve your health

You can prepare many recipes to reap the benefits of artichoke. However, the traditional way of preparing it for weight management is artichoke tea. This tea can nourish the intestinal flora.


  • 1 large artichoke
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Choose a fresh artichoke and cut it into pieces.
  • Then put the water and the sliced ​​artichoke in a pan and put it on high heat.
  • Reduce the heat when it boils, then wait for the artichoke to soften.
  • Let the tea steep and then separate the liquid.

Way of use

  • Drink a cup of artichoke tea on an empty stomach and drink another 3 or 4 cups a day.
  • Repeat this at least 3 times a week.

Note: You can use the cooked artichoke to make another recipe. Add some olive oil and salt and enjoy it at dinner!

Possible side effects of artichoke

artichoke tea

While artichoke can be very beneficial to your health, it can have some negative side effects. These can manifest as a result of excessive consumption or in specific cases when the components of the artichoke do not work well together.

  • It can cause intestinal gas and bloating due to its high dietary fiber content.
  • It is not recommended for nursing mothers.
  • Artichoke can act counter-intuitively during biliary obstruction, due to its potential effect on the gallbladder.
  • You should avoid it if you are taking medications to treat high blood pressure or heart disease. In these and other special cases it is best to consult your doctor.

Do you want to discover the benefits of artichoke for yourself? You should definitely include this vegetable in your diet regularly! In no time you will no doubt notice how much it can help you keep you healthy.

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