Effects Of Using Black Cohosh

Black cohosh can help relieve menopausal symptoms, increase fertility and treat various gynecological problems. Find out more about the benefits and possible adverse effects in this article!
Effects of using black cohosh

Today we are going to talk about the features, precautions and uses of black cohosh. Black cohosh or Actaea racemosa is a plant with large leaves and tall racemes of white flowers native to North America. Both the flowers and the roots were used by the Indians in the treatment of gynecological, kidney and even mental problems.

Today, Actaea racemosa serves as an active ingredient in supplements related to women’s health. It is particularly used for products that relieve menopausal symptoms, increase fertility and balance hormonal balance. Read everything you need to know about this plant in this article!

Uses and Potential Health Benefits of Black Cohosh

As we mentioned earlier, most of the benefits and uses of this plant have to do with women’s health. Let’s consider in detail how it can help, as well as the other benefits attributed to this plant.

1. Ease Menopause Symptoms

Woman having a hot flash

Most women use black cohosh to combat menopausal symptoms such as fatigue, hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, mood swings, and the like.

A study of 80 menopausal women with hot flashes showed that women who consumed 20 milligrams per day for 8 weeks experienced a decrease in the number and severity of hot flashes.

However, while other studies support these effects, we still need more research to legitimize black cohosh as an alleviating agent for menopausal symptoms.

2. Increase Fertility

While it is true that many sellers of this supplement claim that it can improve fertility, the scientific evidence is scarce. According to research in Reproductive BioMedicine Online and Gynecological Endocrinology , black cohosh increases the effectiveness of clomiphene.

This drug is helpful in treating infertility in women with ovulation problems, ultimately increasing their chances of conceiving.

Studies also showed an improvement in pregnancy and ovulation rates in women with infertility who took black cohosh and clomiphene supplements. However, more research into these effects is still needed.

3. Treatment of various gynecological problems

This medicinal plant is also known to help treat other ailments that affect women. Some of these ailments and conditions include:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): According to a study in Gynecological Endocrinology , supplements of black cohosh may increase the chances of getting pregnant in a woman with PCOS taking clomiphene.
  • Similarly, research in the European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology found that these supplements regulate cycles in women with PCOS.
  • Fibroids: A study of 244 women in the menopause showed that daily supplementation with 40 milligrams of black cohosh can reduce the size of uterine fibroids by 30%.
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): While a number of people claim that black cohosh can treat PMS symptoms, there isn’t enough scientific evidence (yet) to support this.
  • Menstrual cycle regulation: There is scientific evidence that black cohosh supplements can help regulate the menstrual cycle in women undergoing fertility treatments. It does not matter whether or not it concerns PCOS patients.

4. Reducing Breast Cancer Risk

Since black cohosh acts like the hormone estrogen, experts believe it may increase the risk of breast cancer. However, a study published in Integrative Cancer Therapies found that it does not increase the risk of breast cancer. On the contrary, it was associated with a lower risk.

According to test-tube studies, black cohosh extract may act as an anti-estrogen and slow the spread of breast cancer cells. However, more research is needed to prove this.

5. Improving Mental Health

Experts also believe that black cohosh may help improve mental health, especially in menopausal women. According to research in Post Reproductive Health , supplements do not affect anxiety.

However, they can help improve some psychological symptoms. However, more studies are needed to support this benefit of black cohosh supplements.

6. Improve Sleep Quality

A small study of 42 menopausal women suggested that supplements of black cohosh both the duration and quality may improve sleep (English link) .

In addition, research published in Minerva Obstetrics and Gynecology found that combining black cohosh with other substances (gooseberry, zinc, ginger and hyaluronic acid) could improve hot flashes that cause anxiety and insomnia. However, it is difficult to know which substance is responsible for these effects.

7. Boost Weight Loss

Women in the menopause often gain weight due to the natural drop in their estrogen levels. However, since there is scientific evidence for the estrogenic effects of black cohosh, experts believe that using it at this stage can help control weight.

Possible side effects of black cohosh

Back with rash

While the use of black cohosh has potential side effects, most of these cases are mild. The mild side effects include minor issues such as:

  • upset stomach
  • skin rash
  • muscle strain
  • swollen breasts
  • spotting
  • intermediate bleeding

More serious side effects are also known, including worsening liver damage. This is why people with serious illness and those undergoing treatment should avoid this supplement.

In addition, an animal study linked high doses of this supplement to damage to red blood cells, leading to anemia. However, more research is needed to assess these effects in humans.

At the same time, keep in mind that research on black cohosh is scarce. So it is possible that there could be other adverse effects that we are not (yet) aware of.

Dosage and dosage forms of black cohosh

Black cohosh is available in various forms such as capsules, liquid extract and tea. As for the dosages, we can say that they differ per brand. However, the general dosage is between 20 and 120 milligrams of extract or powder per day.

Experts believe that women should take at least 20 milligrams daily to treat menopausal symptoms. However, some experts say you should not use it for more than 6 months, as it can cause liver damage.

Black cohosh supplements often contain other components as well. Combining black cohosh with other ingredients can help to enhance the relief of menopausal symptoms. However, we still need more studies to support such hypotheses. Examples include:

  • red clover
  • soy isoflavones
  • gooseberry
  • St. John’s wort
  • dong quai
  • vitamin C

The use of black cohosh in menopausal complaints

Black cohosh is a North American medicinal plant. Native Americans used it in the past to treat ailments that afflicted women. It was also used for other ailments such as sore throat, kidney problems and even depression.

Today, its use has not changed much. It is mainly used to relieve menopausal symptoms, increase fertility and treat various gynecological problems such as:

  • fibroids
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • premenstrual syndrome

While most of the side effects of using black cohosh are mild , keep in mind that it can exacerbate liver damage. It can also affect red blood cells, which can cause anemia.

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