10 Foods For Better Bowel Movements

The most common causes of constipation are stress, a low-fiber diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. You can prevent this problem by eating certain foods.
10 foods for better bowel movements

Constipation is caused by slowed bowel movement.   Constipation is when a person has not pooped for more than two or three days. The most common causes are stress, a low fiber diet and a sedentary lifestyle. With food you can ensure better bowel movement and therefore better bowel movements.

Some foods for better bowel movements

1. Bananas

bunches of bananas

The fiber in this fruit facilitates digestion. Eating a banana every day will regenerate your electrolytes due to its high potassium content. This natural laxative contains fructooligosaccharide, which helps build good bacteria in your gut.

2. Berries and small fruits

The antioxidant power of these delicious fruits ensures better bowel movements by improving intestinal transit. If you want to cleanse your colon in a healthy way, eat one of these fruits:

  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • bilberries
  • blackberries
  • cherries
  • Goji berries

3. Plantago ovata

different remedies with plantain

This Indian herb is high in fiber and helps to cleanse the intestines and colon. Therefore, it allows you to have a normal bowel movement. The ability to absorb water stimulates intestinal transit.

4. Onion

In addition to being the essential seasoning in many dishes, it is a highly effective natural laxative.

If you eat it raw, it can help promote the secretion of gastric juices and improve the health of the intestinal flora.

5. Garlic

garlic and cloves of garlic

A single clove of garlic contains enough allicin to help naturally cleanse the liver, activate enzymes and help eliminate toxins.

Simply add chopped or cooked garlic to a dish to help detox your body.

6. Lemon

This fruit is used to treat numerous common diseases. It can relieve constipation because it is rich in citric acid, which can aid digestion and eliminate toxins from the colon.

It can be prepared as follows:

  • You will need half a lemon, a cup of warm water, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of honey (20 g).
  • Squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with the water.
  • Finally, add salt and honey and drink it right away.

7. Licorice

licorice root

Licorice, especially the infusion of the root, has been used as a seasoning for some dishes for thousands of years. At the same time , it is used as a laxative in alternative medicine.

Drinking a cup of licorice tea can ease digestion and improve bowel movements. It is thought to be:

  • can improve kidney function
  • can regulate digestion
  • can protect the liver

8. Pear

This delicious and wonderful fruit can help relieve constipation. The high fiber content helps to clean the intestines easily. It contains pectin, a substance that helps regulate bowel movements and detoxification.

9. Tomato

several tomatoes

The main ingredient for salad preparation can also help you to go to the toilet regularly.  Some experts recommend eating it raw, whole or in juice, before eating anything else.

However, there is a prescription that may aid its effectiveness as a laxative.

  • You only need two tomatoes, 1/4 liter of water and one tablespoon of sugar (15 g).
  • First, start by peeling and cutting the tomatoes into medium sized pieces.
  • Then add the sugar and boil with the water for 45 minutes, stirring regularly.
  • Remove from the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Leave the mixture in the fridge overnight and drink it in the morning.

10. Oats

This grain is known for the amount of fiber, minerals, healthy carbohydrates and vitamins. It can help in the fight against obesity and digestive problems such as constipation. It can also help to lower cholesterol levels.

To relieve constipation, mix three tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g) with a glass of orange juice (200 ml) or 250 ml of liquid yogurt or milk. Some people also add oatmeal to some smoothies and shakes.

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