4 Ways To Drink Green Tea

Tired of drinking that same cup of green tea over and over again? Then try these recipes!

Initially, green tea was a fad. Now it has become almost an indispensable drink. Nowadays it is very common to drink green tea every day.

You can order it in any restaurant or bar. Or you can prepare it yourself, if you prefer.

This tea offers many benefits. It is healthy for the body in several ways.  Its best-known property is that it appears to have the ability to burn fat. It is now an essential tool for those trying to lose weight, although it still needs further research.

It is also a great alternative to coffee. The theine in green tea is much milder and longer lasting than caffeine. It is also high in antioxidants and vitamins.

There’s one problem, though: if you’re constantly drinking green tea, it can get pretty boring. Over time, you may feel the temptation to switch to more flavorful drinks. However, you can avoid this.

Try these tasty recipes.

The basic recipe for green tea

Let’s start by explaining how to drink this tea in the most traditional way. If you’re not already in the habit of drinking this, it’s a good idea to start with this recipe.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 2 cups of water (500ml)
  • 1 tablespoon green tea (5 g)

How do you prepare it?

  • Warm up the water first. You should not let the water boil. So take it off the heat just before it starts to boil.
  • Now add the green tea leaves. Then let it steep for a maximum of three to five minutes, no more. Green tea can taste unpleasant if it gets too strong.
  • You can drink it immediately after removing the leaves. You can also add ice cubes if you want a refreshing drink.

Alternative ways to drink this tea

First, make it a habit to prepare and drink green tea according to the basic recipe. Then you can try out the different combinations and reap the benefits.

1. Green tea with lemon

Green tea with lemon

This recipe is great. Lemon is full of antioxidants and vitamin C. It is also very effective at burning fat. This combination is therefore an excellent idea if you want to lose weight and take care of your skin.

All you have to do is add lemon juice to the basic recipe.

2. Green Tea and Avocado Smoothie

In this recipe you combine the natural energetic qualities of green tea with the healthy fats in avocados. The result is a real health drink.

  • How do you prepare it? Blend half an avocado with half a cup of tea in the blender. Finished! Enjoy it.
  • We recommend drinking this in the morning or afternoon. That’s the best way to get the most energy out of it.

3. Green tea combined with chamomile tea and aniseed

This is one of the best remedies for solving digestive problems.

Thanks to its properties, chamomile aids digestion and relieves stomach pain and heaviness. Aniseed is an excellent means of reducing inflammation.

When you put all these properties together, the result is a natural and super-potent remedy for dealing with digestive problems. In addition, it can provide excellent support to keep your weight under control.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 liter of green tea
  • 10 g aniseed
  • 1 tablespoon chamomile (10 g)

How do you prepare this drink?

  • Warm up the green tea. Before it starts to boil, add the aniseed and chamomile.
  • After that, take it off the heat and let it steep for five to ten minutes.
  • Then drink it immediately.

4. Spearmint tea mixed with ginger tea

For many people this is their favorite tea. This is due to the refreshing effect of mint.

Ginger helps burn fat and boost metabolism. Green tea has the same effects.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 liter of green tea
  • 10 g mint
  • 1 small piece of fresh ginger
  • 2 ice cubes

This recipe is very easy to prepare. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients in the blender. This way you can take advantage of all their properties.

When are the best times to drink green tea?

Fresh green tea

So we already know how to drink this tea in different ways. Now let’s find out the best times to drink it and reap all the benefits.

Do you want to lose weight?

To lose weight, it is best to drink the green tea about twenty minutes after each meal. That way, the tea will start to burn the fat before the body has absorbed it.

If you want to increase your amount of proteins and minerals

In this case, it is better to drink it before a meal. For example, the green tea will help your body and improve the absorption of magnesium and vitamins C and E.

On an empty stomach

Many people drink coffee before they have eaten anything. If you are one of these people, we recommend that you replace the coffee with a cup of green tea. The effect will be the same as with coffee, but it is not as aggressive to the stomach.

In addition, you strengthen the body’s ability to enjoy the properties of green tea, if you drink it on an empty stomach.

Final details

Green tea does indeed provide you with many benefits and has many positive effects on your body. However, you should not forget that it is not good to consume this drink too much.

The recommended dose is a maximum of five cups a day, provided you do not drink coffee. For every cup of coffee you drink per day, you should drink one less cup of green tea.

If you suffer from tachycardia or if you suffer from high blood pressure, the advice is to drink no more than two cups a day. You should also never combine it with medication without consulting a doctor.

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