What Is Wild Yam And What Are Its Properties?

Wild yam has a high concentration of vitamin C, making it a food suitable for strengthening the function of the immune system. Read more here!
What is wild yam and what are its properties?

Wild yam is a plant that is currently used as a treatment for certain inflammatory problems. It has beneficial properties and some experts claim that it can be positive for health. However, there are also risks and contraindications associated with its use.

In this article we are going to explain in detail how and when to use wild yam. However, keep in mind that in order to achieve a positive effect, it is important to introduce it in the context of a balanced and varied diet. It is also crucial to avoid the consumption of toxic substances and to exercise.

Uses and Potential Benefits of Wild Yam

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Wild Yam

The anti-inflammatory properties of yam make it a possible remedy for many diseases that have rheumatoid arthritis as an underlying element. However, the studies that exist on this subject only concern animals. So the results don’t necessarily apply to humans.


There are some studies, such as the one in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology , that claim that wild yam has the potential to increase uric acid excretion. This would avoid the problem of hyperuricemia in predisposed people. But as in the previous case, only animals were involved in the study.

muscle cramps

Studies have also been conducted on the potential effect of wild yam on the treatment of muscle cramps. It could provide relief from the pain associated with menstruation or cramps. However, the research is inconclusive and does not provide solid evidence.

Viral infection

It is important to note that yams have a significant concentration of vitamin C. This nutrient helps improve immune system function, reducing the incidence of colds and flu. In addition, a high intake of the substance provides effective control of symptoms and early remission of the disease.


This plant could help with infertility

There are not many scientific papers on this subject, but some authors claim that regular intake of this plant could improve fertility in women due to its phytoestrogens content.

In any case, it is important to consult a doctor before using it for this purpose. This is because there may be interactions with other fertility treatments.

Risks and Contraindications of Wild Yam

While wild yam may be a potential benefit for some people, there are also risks when it comes to consuming it. For example, it can sometimes cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches. There have also been reports of cases of digestive problems.

There is even the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, usually with a manifestation of the skin. It’s rare for someone to experience anaphylactic shock as a result of consuming yam, but a range of dermatological side effects can make you not want to include it in your diet.

Presentations and dosage

Wild yam can be found in its natural state, but it is also possible to take an extract in the form of a dietary supplement. It is usually sold in capsules containing about 100 milligrams of the plant extract per capsule.

It is mainly marketed for reducing joint pain and inflammation, although we have already mentioned that evidence is scarce. Most manufacturers claim that taking 1 or 2 doses daily can be effective for treating complaints such as:

  • menstrual cramps.
  • fluid retention.
  • symptoms during menopause.

According to a study published in the Iranian  Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, wild yam consumption may also modulate the lipid profile. However, the influence of nutrition on this parameter is limited. There is also a strong genetic determination in this regard.

Wild yam, a plant with medicinal properties

As you have seen, there are several situations where you can apply wild yam without many side effects. However, there is little research to support its use. Most studies that have been conducted have been in vitro or on animals, so we cannot extrapolate the results to humans.

However, it is considered a safe plant for health, except in cases of allergies. However, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting. This should be the rule before introducing any supplement into your diet. The specialist can assess the need to include the substance in your diet and assess the associated risks.

Finally, remember that it is essential for good health to have a healthy and varied diet, as well as regular exercise. Encouraging good rest is also essential. Remember that supplements are just the icing on the cake of a healthy lifestyle.

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