Red Cabbage: 11 Reasons To Eat This Vegetable

Red cabbage contains many vitamins and minerals. It can be a great tool to take care of your health as it strengthens your immune system and promotes detoxification of the body.
Red cabbage: 11 reasons to eat this vegetable

Red cabbage is also called red cabbage. Especially in winter you will find this cabbage in the store. It is originally from the Mediterranean region. This vegetable has been cultivated since 2500 BC.

There is a difference between red and white cabbage. The difference is the presence of antocyanate, a pigment from the flavonoid family. It contains powerful antioxidants and a large amount of vitamins C and E.

In this article we explain why you should eat red cabbage.

1. You will have healthy eyes

Healthy eyes with red cabbage

Eating red cabbage promotes eye health. The large amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein are responsible for this effect. In a natural way, these two ingredients act as sunscreens, preventing UV rays from reaching the retinas.

2. Red cabbage aids digestion

Red cabbage is known to have several fantastic effects on your digestive system. That’s because it helps your body produce bile. As a result, it prevents problems such as indigestion or constipation.

Red cabbage juice works very well to treat ulcers, especially stomach ulcers.

3. It improves your heart health

This is another reason to eat red cabbage: the juice helps in the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, it removes the harmful toxins in your body. This leads to a better functioning of the circulatory system.

If you eat just one cup of red cabbage, you’ve already absorbed 216 milligrams of potassium. This helps to avoid stress on the heart. It also promotes heart contractions, which trigger your heartbeat.

4. Red cabbage reduces unhealthy cholesterol levels

This is one of the other benefits of red cabbage: it reduces unhealthy cholesterol and uric acid. The large amount of sulfur is responsible for this effect. It is also the sulfur that gives red cabbage its typical aroma.

Cholesterol and uric acid levels will drop due to several factors:

  • Red cabbage contains fiber. They prevent the body from absorbing the bad cholesterol from other foods.
  • It reduces the amount of apolipoprotein LDL in the liver. This is because there is less cholesterol present to transport this component.
  • The antioxidants in red cabbage break down the fatty tissues, giving you more energy.

5. It fights cancer

Eating this cabbage gives you great amounts and different types of antioxidants. They support the body to fight free radicals. After all, free radicals are one of the causes that cancer develops in your body.

In addition, it is also good for stopping the growth of cancer cells.

6. Red cabbage boosts the immune system

immune system

This vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C. That is why it strengthens the body’s resistance. At the same time, the antioxidants ensure better detoxification of the body. They also stimulate wound healing.

7. It Reduces Signs of Aging

The juice of red cabbage contains high amounts of antioxidants and phytochemicals. Vitamins C, E and A are some of these elements. They keep the skin hydrated, smooth and supple while preserving its natural glow.

Another benefit is that it promotes collagen production. This forms the building blocks that connect the body tissues. This keeps the skin and muscles healthy.

8. Red cabbage is a painkiller

Red cabbage is very beneficial to treat kidney pain and pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It is also used to relieve pain and inflammation that occurs during breastfeeding.

This vegetable also possesses calming and analgesic properties. They promote the purification of the blood.

In addition, thanks to these properties, it will even help treat insomnia, as red cabbage contains a compound called lactucopicrin. This is an active ingredient that is also used in sedative medicines and in cough medicines, both for a normal cough and for whooping cough.

  • To enjoy these benefits, you can heat a red cabbage leaf with an iron.
  • Then put it on the place where you suffer from pain or inflammation.

9. Antimalarial Properties

Malaria is a tropical parasitic disease. It is caused by mosquito bites, heredity or as a result of blood transfusions.

It infects your red blood cells and causes:

  • Anemia
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Headache
  • strokes
  • coma

To treat malaria, you need to see a doctor, but red cabbage can help fight the effects of malaria. That’s because it contains lactucopicrin.

10. It Controls Diabetes

Diabetes Resources

This vegetable contains natural insulin. Therefore, it can help to control blood sugar levels.

It is also low in calories and carbohydrates. So you can satisfy your hunger pangs without gaining weight.

So it’s a good idea to use red cabbage in your salads and smoothies. Use it to manage your hunger between meals.

11. Strong and healthy bones

Coal is known as a great tool to keep your bones strong. That’s because they contain vitamin K.

In addition, you will also find osteocalcin in these types of vegetables. This element is a specific protein in the bone matrix, which requires vitamin K to develop.

Use red cabbage to decorate your meals. You can also drink it as a tea. Or maybe you even use it in the form of a poultice to ease pain. Whatever you do, this vegetable is a great support in taking care of your health.

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