Improve Droopy Eyelids With These Tips

Droopy eyelids are not only unsightly, but they can also affect your vision. In addition to surgery, you can also try natural remedies to alleviate this problem.
Improve droopy eyelids with these tips

Drooping eyelids usually develop with age or due to fatigue. They can  suddenly make people look much older than they are, but they can also cause problems by obstructing their view.

Statistics show that every year hundreds of thousands of men and women undergo surgery to fix drooping eyelids. However, if you take the time, there are also a number of natural remedies that can avoid surgery and hospitalization.

If anesthesia poses a health risk to you or if surgery is out of the question for other health reasons, it is definitely worth exploring other natural remedies.

In this article you will find natural tips to significantly improve the appearance of drooping eyelids.

Many people who suffer from drooping eyelids describe it as ‘irritating’ or ‘very annoying’. It may be constant and progressive, or it may be an occasional phenomenon. It can also happen that one eyelid droops more than the other. 

The condition is experienced as very annoying as soon as people have the feeling that they have to open their eyes further and further, furrow their eyebrows or tilt their head back to see under the eyelids.

This also gives the face a very tired and sleepy appearance and is seen as an annoying cosmetic problem especially by women.

Drooping eyelids can also cause physical complaints. These are usually not that serious. Think of reduced vision and a pressing, tiring feeling around the eyes. With persistent drooping eyelids, it is always advisable to consult a doctor to rule out more serious underlying conditions.

What are the causes of drooping eyelids?

Droopy eyelids can be caused by many different causes or underlying conditions. There may be a genetic factor, or the normal aging process may play a role.

Diabetes, a stroke, Horner’s syndrome (a disorder that affects the nerves of the eye and face), a brain tumor or any disease that affects the nervous system in the face can also be the cause.

Present in both eyelids

  • Due to medical complications, for example myasthenia gravis, a muscle disease in which muscle strength is reduced, especially in the face
  • The normal aging process
  • Natural variation in the shape of the eyelids

Presence in 1 eyelid

  • A growth on the eyelid – similar to a tip eye
  • Health Complications
  • Nerve injury
  • The normal aging process
  • Natural variation in the shape of the eyelids

Home remedies for drooping eyelids

Cucumber slices
  • Treatment 1 : Using chamomile tea bags. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat this condition. Keep the moist chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator and apply them chilled to the eyelids for twenty minutes. Add this tip to your daily routine and you will definitely see results in the foreseeable future.
  • Treatment 2 : With a number of natural ingredients you can easily make your own revitalizing lotion for drooping eyelids. Take four tablespoons of natural yogurt and mix it with four tablespoons of aloe vera gel, two tablespoons of oatmeal and the pulp of a peeled cucumber to form a homogeneous paste. Apply to the eyelids and leave it on for about twenty minutes. Rinse well with cold water.
  • Treatment 3 : As you may know, cucumbers have an excellent reputation for refreshing a tired look. Place chilled cucumber slices on the eyelids for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • Treatment 4 : The use of ice water is also one of the better-known natural tips to get a radiant look again. Wash the face with ice cold water, which causes the capillaries to contract and the skin tightens.
  • Treatment 5 : Put grapes on the menu regularly. They contain high concentrations of resveratrol, a substance that works efficiently against skin aging. Eat more grapes and enjoy the positive effect of this delicacy on your skin! 

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