When Does Constipation Become Dangerous

Constipation, who hasn’t suffered from this? Almost everyone at some point. Medication is not always necessary. Find out here some tips to combat it.
When Does Constipation Become Dangerous

Can Constipation Be  Dangerous to Our Health? Constipation is very common and is a condition that needs to be treated while also taking preventive measures. It is not good for your health and if it becomes chronic it can become a dangerous problem.

How did that happen? Constipation can lead to other conditions – other problems that can make your situation worse. We will explain in the article below why constipation can be dangerous.

Constipation, a common problem

Who can say that he has never suffered from this condition? Almost everyone has experienced constipation at some point in their life. Some may experience it more often. This means that you cannot go to the toilet normally for days or sometimes weeks. But when does constipation become dangerous?

Not everyone is able to defecate regularly without pain and the drug industry has registered an increase in this problem in recent years.

Are you one of those people who needs medicine to go to the toilet? Sometimes there is no other option, but as a rule, these drugs are not recommended. Ideally, you should adjust your eating and other habits so that your body can regulate this situation.

When Does Constipation Become Dangerous?

A sedentary lifestyle, a lack of fiber, poor eating habits and not drinking enough are undoubtedly important factors that cause people to suffer from constipation.

And beware, because women are more likely than men to suffer from this condition. Why? It is mainly a matter of a different physique. The female body is more vulnerable to these kinds of problems.

We also need to explain that printing is different for everyone. We don’t all digest our food in the same way and it’s easier or harder for some people. The most normal situation is to have to go to the toilet once a day, without pain or difficulty. However, we know that this is not always the case.

How do I know if I have constipation?

When does constipation become dangerous and how do I know if it affects me
  • Three times a week or less you have to run a big errand.
  • Your stool is either very liquid or very hard.
  • You often have to apply a lot of pressure, for at least ten or fifteen minutes.
  • You feel swollen, heavy and windy.
  • You have a headache.
  • If you have had this problem for more than three months, you have chronic constipation.

When Does Constipation Become Dangerous?

When Does Constipation Become Dangerous

You know that constipation is not healthy and that you should always do your best to prevent it. Keep in mind that if your body is unable to remove all the excess waste from your body, these waste products will make you sick.

Your gut will become sore and full of toxins, preventing your body from properly absorbing the nutrients from the food you eat. In this case, constipation is dangerous.

Being a little constipated once or twice a month is normal. If you suffer from chronic constipation, you should pay close attention to these symptoms, as they can indicate whether you have a more serious condition and you should contact your doctor.

You experience  painful stomach cramps  and a lot of discomfort when you go to the toilet, sometimes even vomiting.

  • Sometimes you don’t go to the toilet for seven days, unless you are on medication.
  • If you find blood in your stool, you should immediately notify your doctor.
  • It is also dangerous to oscillate between constipation and diarrhea.
  • Look at the  shape of your stool. If it is very thin, contact your doctor as this is not healthy.
  • Make  sure you don’t suddenly lose weight. This could be a symptom that something is wrong in your body, such as a lack of nutrients.
  • Another risk of constipation is the risk of developing  hemorrhoids. If you often have to squeeze hard when you have to go to the toilet, you will damage your intestines. If you see anything abnormal in the anus or see blood, see your doctor.

Easy tips to avoid constipation

When does constipation become dangerous and tips to prevent it
  • Move more. Half an hour a day can make a difference. Exercise stimulates bowel activity in your body. It’s easy and can be really good for you!
  • Drink aloe vera juice with lemon or kiwi in the morning. To make this simple and effective drink, simply mix some room temperature water with a tablespoon of aloe vera. Let it dissolve and then add the juice of half a lemon. You can also make this by mixing aloe vera with two kiwis in a blender. Delicious!
  • A bowl of papaya, walnut and Greek yogurt. This is a very healthy alternative for breakfast. It gives you fiber, vitamins and bacteria that are good for the health of your gut.
  • Oatmeal with prunes. Another very good choice for breakfast.
  • Wholewheat rice. This is a good food to include in your lunch. Brown rice is good for cleansing your body and gives you lots of fiber and antioxidants.

Hydration and healthy eating

  • Sufficient fluids. Water, natural juices… They are perfect for keeping you hydrated throughout the day. They also stimulate bowel movement and detoxification. Drink at least two liters a day.
  • Eat several small meals a day. You should never skip meals, especially breakfast. It is important to maintain an eating schedule so that your body has a routine. Also, do not eat heavy evening meals. A light, balanced dinner helps fight constipation.
  • Say ‘yes’ to fruits and vegetables. You can eat salads or make natural juices that combine fruits and vegetables. Do you need ideas? Try Swiss chard, honeydew melon, and lime; carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger or watermelon, tomato and basil. All three of these combinations are delicious!

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