5 Medicinal Foods That Can Save Your Life

Medicinal foods can be good for your body and mind. They can also be used in surprisingly tasty recipes.
5 medicinal foods that could save your life

Medicinal foods include certain foods that, thanks to their medicinal properties, can improve your life! They are everyday foods that offer tremendous health benefits – but we often forget to include them in our diet. Read about 5 medicinal foods here and start incorporating them into your diet today!

1. Garlic: the best option

Garlic is one of the vegetables with the most medicinal and medicinal properties, according to experiments.

This plant from the garlic family has a purifying, disinfecting and antiseptic effect. It also acts effectively on changes in the blood. Garlic can be used internally or externally, both by those with health problems and by the healthiest of individuals, as it is non-aggressive.

This is one of many medicinal foods. It is widely used for…

  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea or intestinal colic
  • Stimulating appetite and digestion
  • Fighting liver disease
  • Fighting respiratory infections
  • Infectious infections (diphtheria, colds, typhoid fever)
  • Removing parasites

How do you use it

Garlic has medicinal properties by eating it every day on an empty stomach. For the best effect, you can also eat it on an empty stomach both in the afternoon and in the evening. It will be effective (although it’s best to use it moderately if your breath or stomach can’t handle it).

2. Oats


Oats are high in carbohydrates and are known as a grain similar to wheat. That’s why many people think you gain weight, but that’s not the case. In fact,  oats contribute to the functioning of your body in various ways.

In addition to being high in fiber, oats also help your digestive system work better, help reduce cholesterol levels and provide stability in your blood sugar levels.

How do you use it

You can eat oats however you like (preferably in flakes). It’s up to you whether you just want to combine it with milk or with other ingredients as well. You can eat a bowl of oats every day.

3. Nuts


Nuts are a great addition to your meals or daily activities.

It is very common to have a need for a sweet, to experience different flavors or to alternate the daily taste. But eating sweets does not provide your body with the right nutrients, because it contains no vitamins and minerals and only provides calories. Candy can actually be very harmful and sometimes even cause diabetes.

That’s why we recommend that you swap sweets for nuts, which are not only delicious as a snack, but also healthy – they are low in sugar, rich in minerals and fiber and help your body with their good ratio of potassium. That is why you can safely class them among the medicinal foods.

4. Chocolate


Nothing is more delicious than a piece of chocolate during your daily activities, but enjoyment is not the only benefit of chocolate. According to studies, chocolate can  protect you from blood clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. In other words, chocolate lowers the risk of a heart attack.

In this regard

5. Tomato

Tomato juice

Tomatoes have one remarkable property:  they are great for beautifying your skin. But beyond that, other health benefits have been discovered related to eating tomatoes.

Tomatoes are very potent in the blood, thanks to their high vitamin K content, which helps prevent bruising. It also has a purifying or cleansing effect in the blood. It also provides a support function for the processing of carbohydrates, so that the metabolic processes in your body work better.

Tomatoes can have a laxative effect and are useful in the fight against obesity and liver disease.

How do you use it

Preferably eat natural (raw) tomatoes and try to incorporate them into your meals.

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