A Slim Waist With These Recipes

If you dream of that slim waist again, then you will definitely have to cut soft drinks and fast food off the menu. You can only achieve the desired result if you supplement a balanced and healthy diet with drinking enough water and sufficient exercise.
A slim waist with these recipes

Have you also noticed that even after following a successful diet in which you lost weight and regained your figure, it is still difficult to regain that slim waist again?

The hips and waist are the most difficult places on the body to get back in shape, because that’s often where the most fat is stored. Other health problems are also formidable enemies of the coveted slim waist. Think of fluid retention and the air in the digestive system.

Fighting against excess pounds and those extra inches around the waist is no easy task. However, it is not impossible.

Eat a good diet and make sure you get plenty of exercise. Also support your efforts by preparing tasty but healthy meals. These can also help you fight that pesky, expanding waistline.

Tips to get a slim waist

Eliminate unhealthy, fatty foods

To tackle the stored fat around the waist, the first necessary step is to stop all absorption of unhealthy fat. It is also better to leave sugary drinks and pre-prepared foodstuffs for a while.

If the consumption of fat does not decrease or stop, it is almost impossible to regain your beautiful, slender figure and achieve any results. You can then start tackling the extra weight that has already been stored.

If you like fast food and snacks, remember that fat and fast food are not only responsible for gradually gaining weight. These foods are also harmful to good health in the long run. Completely eliminate fast food, sweet snacks and fried snacks from the menu.

Eat a little more protein

Feel free to eat a little more protein from lean meat, soy and beans. They contain a lot less fat and ensure muscle building and keeping body tissue in good condition.

However, moderate your intake of dairy products such as cheese. Speaking of dairy products, we also recommend that you get tested for a food intolerance. This ailment can also cause inflammation in the body, the storage of air and fluid in the stomach and around the waist.

Drink enough water

Don’t forget this. Don’t drink lemonades and carbonated drinks for a while or make the choice now to delete them from your shopping list forever.

Take a moment to discover which herbal infusions and smoothies you like when you’re in the mood for a tasty drink. Infusions and water help to stay well hydrated and remove built-up toxins from the body.

Make sure you get enough exercise

Look for a good workout that emphasizes burning fat.  These are usually the so-called cardio fitness. Keep in mind that it is impossible to lose “targeted” fat. That is, you cannot influence where your body fat disappears first by using certain exercises.

You can do abs, leg lifts and twists to strengthen the muscles around your waist. Muscles are more compact than fat, so this will also contribute to a slim waist. Supplement this with some solid cardio and you will see that your waist will take on a nice shape!

Show stress the door

Busy, worrying, concentrating on negative thoughts — let this go. Research has shown that stress stimulates the production of the hormone cortisol. This can contribute to those annoying binges and weight gain, including on the hips and around the waist.

Work on your posture to bring about a change in the abdomen and waist region.

For this you can do the following exercise:

  • Stand in front of the mirror and assume a nice, upright posture.
  • Notice how your abs help flatten the tummy and make the waist noticeably longer.
  • This pose is the key to a beautiful figure with a slim, tight waist.

Recipe to kick start your weight loss

Fat around the Waist

This powerful natural remedy is a true ally if you make the decision to follow a diet and fitness routine aimed at losing fat. The three basic ingredients are horseradish, honey and lemon zest.

They have the common property of stimulating the metabolism. This speeds up the fat burning process.

It also stimulates the elimination of accumulated waste and excess fluid in the body tissue. An added bonus is that these simple foods are known to improve brain function, memory, vision and hearing.


  • 125 grams horseradish
  • 3 lemons
  • 3 tablespoons honey

How is the remedy prepared?

  • It is very important that you make sure that you clean the horseradish and lemon very well. You will also need the peels of these. To ensure that all microorganisms are removed, you can immerse the lemon and horseradish in a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar.
  • After the lemon and horseradish have been sufficiently cleaned, the horseradish may be pulverized in a blender. Keep the lemon zest aside and cut the lemon separately into several small wedges.
  • Now add everything to the horseradish in the blender and don’t forget the honey! Then mix everything well until you get a smooth mixture.
  • It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of this potent remedy every day along with breakfast and lunch.

It is best to store in a glass jar that you place in the refrigerator. Follow your diet, enjoy your new exercise routine and after three weeks you will notice that your favorite dress or shirt is much less tight!

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