What To Do Against Bags Under The Eyes?

Bags under eyes. Who doesn’t know them. If you suffer from it yourself, read the tips below to get rid of it in a natural way.
What to do against bags under the eyes?

Dark circles or bags under the eyes can be really annoying.  For example, sometimes they turn brownish or greenish and appear inflamed. Generally a signal that something is not functioning optimally; you know that the body is a true measure of our psychological and physical well-being.

Usually dark circles are caused by lack of sleep, worry or stress. But we can also get bags under the eyes due to water retention, dehydration, poor blood circulation or hormonal changes.

Home remedies for bags under the eyes

Cucumber and carrot


Slices of cucumber and carrot can do wonders for a tired look.

  • In the evening, put them on each eyelid for 15 minutes.
  • Preferably keep them in the fridge. Thus, the cold temperature will help the eyelids relax even more.
  • Do not forget to rinse well with cold water afterwards.


Did you know that the fragrant lavender plant also has anti-inflammatory properties? Do not apply lavender oil directly to the skin.

  • Instead, dissolve a few drops of essential oil in water.
  • Then gently massage under the eyelids with a cotton swab.

There is no need to rinse, because only a very small amount of oil has been applied. If you have very sensitive skin, we recommend taking a steam bath with a lavender infusion.


It is generally known that ice helps with inflammation. First wrap ice cubes in a cloth and then hold it against the dark circles for 15 minutes.


  • First, mix some fresh mint leaves with olive oil.
  • Then apply to a cotton swab and massage gently before going to bed.
  • Use a small amount that you can then leave on all night!

milk compresses

  • Make sure you have very cold milk on hand. First, fill a glass with milk and cellulose wadding.
  • Remove these from the glass of milk and let them rest under the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse well with plenty of water.

potato compresses

A simple, fast and cheap remedy that you will certainly always have at home!

  • First you peel a potato and cut it into small pieces, which you then wrap in gauze.
  • Let the gauze rest on the bags under the eyes for a while.
  • Repeat every day for an optimal, cumulative effect.


Many people swear by cold bags of chamomile tea. Cold causes the blood vessels to constrict and chamomile has a soothing effect. Or make an emollient cream by mixing a chamomile infusion with natural yogurt.

Finally, apply this under the eyelids and leave it on for 10 minutes, after which you rinse well with fresh water.

rose water compresses

Make an infusion of rose petals by boiling them in water. As a result, all the nourishing properties of the rose petals are absorbed into the water.

  • Let it cool first, then strain it and then dip a cotton swab into the mixture.
  • Massage gently under the eyelids and leave on for a few minutes.
  • Then rinse well with fresh water.

Drink enough water

It is also very important that your moisture balance is in balance. Puffiness is a build-up of fluid that can arise because you may not be drinking enough water. Drinking plenty of water can help reduce puffiness.

  • So drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

tea compresses


Tea is wonderfully relaxing and also has anti-inflammatory properties. So feel free to use tea bags as healing compresses on the eyelids!

  • Boil the tea bags for 10 minutes.
  • Then let them cool for a while and place them on your eyes while relaxing on your back for a while.
  • Then enjoy this relaxing and natural remedy to combat dark circles.


But strawberry is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Mash some strawberries and apply it gently on the bags under the eyes.
  • Leave on for half an hour and rinse very well with water.


Here, the vitamin C ensures that bags become less dark and our vision a lot clearer.  Apply lemon juice to a ball of cellulose cotton wool and apply it around the eyes. Be careful with that and do not allow irritating juice to drip into the eyes.

  • Leave to act for a while and rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this two to three times a week.

When should you go to the doctor?

Of course, we hope that the tips in this article support you in a natural way to combat puffiness and dark circles!

If none of these home remedies reduce puffiness and dark circles persist, we recommend consulting your doctor to rule out or detect any underlying health issues.

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