How To Make Your Own Non-toxic Fabric Softener

Learn to make three different types of natural fabric softener for your clothes: an eco-friendly, cheap and effective alternative.
How to make your own non-toxic fabric softener

We are always looking for more eco-friendly alternatives in our daily life.  The reality is that we can make the majority of the products we find in the supermarket ourselves with the ingredients we already have at home. That also applies to this non-toxic fabric softener.

In this article, we will show you three ways to make a non-toxic fabric softener, that is,  a natural alternative to the fabric softeners you can buy that are full of chemicals that are harmful to the environment. These chemicals can also be bad for our health without our awareness, and they can cause allergies and skin reactions.

To avoid these problems, we want to show you how to make fabric softener at home, which will give you the same (or better) results as a store-bought fabric softener. Discover for yourself how easy it is to make a non-toxic fabric softener at home.

For starters, you should know that these fabric softeners  can be made from natural, inexpensive ingredients. They are also very versatile as they are suitable for all types of clothes and all cycles of your washing machine, as well as for hand washing.

How do you make non-toxic fabric softener?

There are several ways to make this product at home. And  you probably already have all the ingredients at home.

So we will now show you how to make different versions, with different ingredients. The ideal option would be to try them all and then choose the version that works best for you and gives you the best results.

Before you start, you’ll need a bottle with a cap to  store the fabric softener. You can use a bottle of your old fabric softener or a plastic soda bottle.

But remember to add it to the wash just before the rinse cycle, and not at the start of the wash cycle  .

1. Homemade Non-Toxic Fabric Softener With White Vinegar


  • 1/2 liter white vinegar
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 30 grams of baking soda


  • Mix the water with the vinegar.
  • Add the baking soda little by little. Wait for the foam to dissolve.
  • When the three ingredients are well mixed, you can use it.

The vinegar also acts as a powerful stain remover and dissolves bad odors. So you can also use it for clothes with coffee, wine or sweat stains in them, letting the clothes soak for ten minutes before washing them in the machine as usual.

2. White vinegar and essential oil fabric softener

For this version you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter white vinegar
  • 10 drops of essential oil of your choice

This version is very easy to make,  just mix the two ingredients and it is ready to use.



3. Fabric softener with baking soda, sea salt and essential oil


  • 15 drops of essential oil of your choice
  • 250 grams unrefined sea salt
  • 75 grams of baking soda


  • First, mix the essential oil with the sea salt.
  • Stir until the essential oil is well absorbed by the salt.
  • Then add the baking soda and stir again until well blended.

Your non-toxic fabric softener is now ready to use. Add two to three tablespoons per wash just before the rinse cycle begins.

These three non-toxic fabric softeners are also ideal for baby clothes,  as they contain no unknown ingredients.

On the other hand,  if you suffer from skin allergies, you can use these fabric softeners to avoid the risk of skin irritation. The ingredients are also easy to obtain and cost little money.

Finally, another advantage of these fabric softeners is that  they remove the bacteria that remain in the drum of the washing machine. So you not only help keep your clothes clean, but also your washing machine.

Give these recipes a try and keep using the ones you like best. They are effective, quick to make and very simple.  Only benefits! 

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