6 Home Remedies You Should Never Try

Do not use toothpaste to treat pimples or skin imperfections. While the baking soda content can make it effective, the chemical components can actually damage your skin.
6 home remedies you should never try

There are a lot of different recipes and home remedies that are said to treat and prevent health and beauty problems. As a result, we would not have to dig deep into our pockets for expensive treatments. And we could improve our lifestyles with the help of natural medicines.

It is true that a lot of recommended home remedies are very effective and can help us a lot. However, experts remind us that not all of them work and some home remedies have more bad than good effects.

In view of the experts’ opinions on the negative effects some home remedies can have on our health, below we will share with you 6 remedies that you should not use.

6 home remedies you should never try

1.Peeling with nutshells and dried fruit

Natural peeling is one of the best alternatives to deeply cleanse, hydrate and eliminate dead skin cells that accumulate.

However, the ingredients of these products are very important as some can damage our skin and cause minor wounds. This can even cause scars.

For example, there are peels that are prepared with pistachio or nut shells, ground almonds, in combination with olive oil, but these can damage your skin because of all the irregular edges.

2. Do your own bowel irrigation

do colonic irrigation yourself

A colonic irrigation in your own home is done by pouring water into the rectum in order to stimulate a bowel movement. Some people even do an enema with coffee, thinking that the caffeine will help cleanse their systems. This is not true.

According to experts , doing an enema yourself is very dangerous, as it can damage the rectum, cause serious side effects and in extreme cases can even lead to death.

That’s why doctors advise against doing this, especially at home. It is better to use a medicine for constipation and if this does not work you should contact your doctor.

3. Treating Acne With Toothpaste

Treating acne with toothpaste is one of the oldest and best known tricks in history because it has produced results. Baking soda, which is in toothpaste, causes pimples to dry up and, as a result, reduces the appearance of acne.

However, experts say this is not the best alternative. While baking soda helps with breakouts, toothpaste also contains chemical components that can irritate the skin. Some of these harmful ingredients found in toothpaste include alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and menthol.

4. Yogurt To Relieve Vaginal Infections

Yogurt against vaginal infections

The idea behind this remedy is based on the acidophilus in yogurt, which can kill bad bacteria. However, it has not been proven to fight vaginal infections.

According to gynecologist Mary Jan Minkin, a Yale School of Medicine teacher, you should never use flavored yogurts or sweet yogurts that are often refrigerated. Sugar in and around the vagina can cause more infections.

What you should do is consume yogurt often, especially when taking antibiotics, to prevent infections, but never apply it to the vagina.

5. Protein Face Masks to Firm Your Skin

According to many rumors, it is claimed that protein helps to tighten the skin and that is why many women use this remedy. According to experts , there is no proof whether this is true or not.

Many people believe that protein makes their skin firm, because that’s what it feels like when your skin has dried up. In reality, your skin will go back to how it was before when you rinse off the proteins. In addition, there is a risk that you will get sick from some sort of salmonella in your mouth.

6. Butter to treat burns

Never put butter on a burn

Some people believe that butter can relieve and heal a burn from fire or the sun. However, this is not true at all, as butter is the perfect environment for bacteria, which can cause infection. Experts recommend applying cold water and antibiotic cream.

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