What Is The Bonapace Method For Childbirth?

Pain is one of the biggest concerns women have before childbirth. However, with proper education and adequate knowledge, it can be reduced and managed without stress. In this article, discover the Bonapace method for preparing for childbirth.
What is the Bonapace Method for Childbirth?

Giving birth is usually a painful experience. The muscle contractions and pressure on the cervix and vagina push the boundaries of the woman’s body and cause intense pain. The Bonapace method is a new technique that aims to reduce that pain in a natural way.

The Bonapace method was developed in Quebec, Canada by Julie Bonapace, an expert in pain therapy. This method is an educational process. It aims to learn how to apply pain-reducing techniques during childbirth without the need for pharmacological treatment or medical interventions.

According to studies conducted by Dr. Bonapace from the University of Québec, the Bonapace method reduces the intensity of pain and discomfort during childbirth by 45%.

The three mechanisms of the Bonapace method

The three mechanisms of the Bonapace method

Thus, the Bonapace method is a form of labor preparation that seeks to reduce pain without medical or pharmacological intervention. This method consists of three main mechanisms:

  • First, central nervous system control, including breathing, relaxation and distraction of attention to modulate pain.
  • Non-painful stimulation, such as light back massage, is also used between contractions. The pain relief created by light massage is based on Gate Control Theory, also known as Gate Theory.
  • Finally, control to slow down pain. This is done by causing minor pain in other parts of the body to help fade the pain of childbirth. When the brain searches for the source of the new pain, the body releases endorphins throughout the body, except in the area of ​​the new pain. Endorphins relieve pain caused by the physical processes of childbirth.

The medical professional evaluates the woman’s pain during labor every 15 minutes. This is necessary in order to determine which technique should be applied at that moment.

Learning in pairs

In the Bonapace method, the training and active participation of the father or a trusted person is essential. He or she helps the mother control her breathing. The person is also charged with massaging the lower back and exerting pressure on the back, hands and feet.

To learn how to use the techniques of the Bonapace method, both the mother and father start studying and training from six months of pregnancy. The course consists of 16 hours of lessons. Eight hours on the Bonapace method and eight hours of general information about traditional birth methods, pregnancy and the delivery process.

The 10 Tips To Overcome Pain Using The Bonapace Method


Pregnant woman

An important part of the method is the provision of information. This allows both the father and the mother to know the right course of action in each case.

The more knowledge there is about pregnancy and childbirth, the easier it is to deal with pain. dr. Bonapace recommends learning different techniques, as the mother’s needs can change during labor.

Let yourself be supported by your partner or a loved one

Studies show that women who have a counselor by their side experience less pain. In addition, they require fewer pharmacological treatments and/or medical interventions than women who give birth alone.

It is essential to prepare the partner or neighbor. The reason for this is that they will be the mother’s mainstay during the process. Plus, having someone who always knows what to do helps build confidence and reduce stress.

Stay active during labour

The pain is caused by the body adapting to facilitate the baby’s passage through the pelvis. When that pain goes away with painkillers or anesthetics, the feeling and physical communication between mother and baby is lost.

Use mantras

Meditating Woman

Mantras help with relaxation and concentration. In fact, the ‘ohm’ aids breathing and opens the diaphragm. This creates space in the pelvis for the passage of the baby.

Massages are an essential part of the Bonapace method

When a stimulating sensation is created in the painful area, the pain signals sent to the brain are blocked. Back, thigh and leg massages help to relax the entire body.

Use water baths

At the right temperature, water helps to relax the muscles. The effects of water on the body block the pain signals the body sends to the brain. Therefore, experts recommend water baths during all stages of pregnancy and even during childbirth.

Use ice

Use ice

When the contractions start, you can place your hands or feet in a container of ice and water. This causes so-called “minor pain” and helps to release endorphins that act as natural pain relievers. As a result, the pain of the contractions will immediately decrease.

Apply acupuncture according to the Bonapace method

Several studies have shown the calming effects of acupuncture. In the Bonapace method, it is used to create a second pain point when the pain is more frequent and intense.

Talk to yourself

Thoughts create emotions that affect the body. By talking to yourself to convey calmness and reassurance that everything is fine. That way, you can create feelings of relief and reduce your stress.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

This technique combines traditional Chinese medicine and psychology. It consists of applying acupuncture to specific points while explaining emotions and pain at the time of delivery. This reduces the production of cortisol, the stress-causing hormone.

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