Four Things You Should Do In Case Of Knee Pain And Better Not

There are a number of things you should do for knee pain. If you have knee pain, it is important to rest. Putting pressure on the joint could make it worse. You should also avoid hot and cold therapy: it is better to keep it cold in the beginning.
Four things you should do with knee pain and better not

Knee pain can occur at any age. It is not only associated with osteoarthritis. Sometimes an awkward movement, a cartilage problem, or even a small cyst can cause it.

What is essential in these cases is to get a proper diagnosis and medical treatment that suits your needs. The treatment an athlete receives will not be the same as that of an older person with a more sedentary lifestyle.

The main thing is to be careful and always follow the advice of the experts.

However, it never hurts to use a home remedy or take advantage of nature to improve your quality of life during the recovery period.

In this post, we want to give you 4 great tips for things to do for knee pain and 3 warnings that can help. We therefore encourage you to take note of it.

1. Rest is one of the most important things to do for knee pain

One of the biggest problems we usually have with knee pain is listening to what our body is telling us…and doing it. What it asks for is tranquility. Any strain or awkward movement means more pain and further damage to the root of the problem: ligaments, meniscus, bones…

So avoid making the situation worse.

Yes, you may know that exercise is good. You may also know that walking prevents many of these joint problems. However, if you are already experiencing pain, it is pointless to force the joint. Instead, you should take a reasonable rest period. Then slowly start a recovery program focused on swimming and physical therapy.

The most important thing is not to go for a walk on rocky or uneven ground: there is a risk that you could fall.

2. A Natural Remedy for Strengthening Your Tendons

Taking natural remedies is one of the things to do for knee pain


  • 150 g or a cup of quick-cooking oats
  • 250 ml or 1 cup of water
  • 250 ml or a cup of pineapple juice
  • 7g or 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 250 ml or a cup of orange juice
  • 50 g or 2 tablespoons of honey


  • This simple, tasty and nutritious remedy will help nourish and regenerate your patellar tendons.
  • Then all you have to do is put all the ingredients in a mixer and make a smooth drink.
  • Then pour it into a glass bottle. Then drink it in three servings: once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once two hours before bedtime.

3. Massage with apple cider vinegar and olive oil

Massaging apple cider vinegar is also very effective and one of the things to do for knee pain. The ‘magic’ is its alkalizing effect and ability to dissolve the buildup of harmful toxins around your joints when they are inflamed.

When you combine the vinegar with olive oil, you have a fantastic anti-inflammatory.

  • To do this, all you need to do is apply a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a little olive oil to a cotton cloth.
  • Then apply it to your knee with a circular, massaging motion.
  • You can then repeat this  three times a day.

4. Nettle And Lemon Juice Remedy

Drinking nettle tea is one of the things you should do for knee pain


  • 80 g or 8 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon


Nettle tea has always been a great remedy for treating inflammation and joint pain.

Something as simple as combining nettles with lemon juice produces a natural purifying treatment. It is rich in vitamin C for regenerating cartilage and is ideal for recovery, both physical and mental.

  • To make this remedy, first make a good infusion with the nettles and half a liter of water.
  • Then leave it on the stove for 20 minutes and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • After that, drain the liquid and keep the infused water.
  • Finally, add the juice of one lemon and the remaining half liter of water.
  • Drink it throughout the day.

3 things NOT to do if you suffer from knee pain

knee pain

Be careful with hot/cold therapy

We have all heard that hot/cold therapy is very effective in reducing pain and inflammation. According to many, it is one of the things you should do with knee pain.

However, we must be careful. During the first 48-72 hours it is best to avoid warm compresses. After all, it can make the problem worse.

One of the best things to do when dealing with knee pain is to initially do the following:

  • Apply cold gel compresses.
  • Apply a compression bandage.
  • Keep your knee still with your leg up.

Be careful with the shoes you wear

If you regularly suffer from knee pain, it is important to look at the type of shoes you use or – more than shoes – your soles. While your shoes are not a trigger for knee pain, they can make it  worse.

It is best to see a specialist to learn more about the type of sole that is right for your particular problem. There are padded soles that soften the impact of the foot on the ground and this can relieve knee pain.

Beware of ginger supplements

You may know that ginger can be a medicinal root for reducing inflammatory pain. However, you should remember two simple things before taking classic ginger supplements:

  • If you are already taking prescription anti-inflammatory drugs, it is best not to combine them with ginger.
  • If you suffer from hypertension, we advise you to avoid this plant.

Keep in mind that other medications may clash with these types of natural plants. It is always better to consult a specialist.

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