The Easiest Apple Pie Recipe

An apple pie may seem complicated to make. However, we have some tricks to make the easiest apple pie in the world.
The easiest apple pie recipe

To make this recipe the simplest apple pie recipe, it is necessary that you modify the original recipe slightly.

What makes apple pie difficult to make isn’t because they contain apples or because it has to be put in the oven. No, the hard part is often making the crust. This is usually a special type that usually takes more time to prepare.

In fact, you can only speak of an easy-to-make apple pie if you can enjoy it comfortably from your lazy chair or couch and make it as quickly as possible. So in this case the crust of this recipe has been changed and replaced with Maria biscuits and butter. This allows you to speed up the baking process and you will soon have an apple pie that is easy to make.

By the way, if you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance or a problem such as lactose intolerance, you can also substitute some of the ingredients we show you with their gluten or lactose-free equivalents.

It should be noted that as far as the caloric value of this recipe is concerned, it will of course depend on how much of it you eat. As we often say, it’s not always about what you eat, but how much of it you eat.

In terms of nutritional value, apples play an important role for health. Using them in the simplest apple pie recipe in the world will therefore not compromise their nutritional value for the body. In fact, it’s the exact opposite: they still contain vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that do your body good.

How to make the easiest apple pie in the world

How to make the easiest apple pie in the world

Speed ​​up your apple pie recipe a little and improve it with the information we are going to share with you. Remember: it is always possible to change and improve recipes!

Ingredients of this apple pie recipe

  • 1 pack of Maria biscuits (240 gr.)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons butter (30 g)
  • 5 medium apples
  • 1 cup milk (250 ml)
  • 1 cup wheat flour (120 gr.)
  • 3 tablespoons sugar (45 gr.)
  • 2 tablespoons peach jam (56 gr.)


  • Start by crumbling the cookies. You can use an immersion blender for this, or a fork to do this manually.
  • Then it’s time to melt the butter and add it to the cookie crumbs. Mix it with a spoon and stir it well.
  • The mixture should be similar to wet sand. So if you think it’s necessary, you can add a little more melted butter.
  • At the end of the above step, put this mixture in a pie or cake tin. This will be the crust of your pie.
  • Make sure you spread the crust mixture evenly over the bottom, so that the entire mold is covered.
  • Then put the following ingredients in the blender: three apples, milk, wheat flour and the sugar. Mix everything well.
  • Then pour the mixture over the base you made earlier. Peel and slice the remaining 2 apples and add these to the filling as well.
  • It’s almost done now! Preheat the oven to 180ºC and bake the cake for 1 hour.
  • Finally, take it out of the oven. Use a pastry brush to spread the peach jam as a layer on top of the pie.

Innovation is everything in the kitchen when it comes to this apple pie recipe

Adapted recipe for apple pie

The genius of it all is that the real secret simply lies in changing the bottom of this pie. The point is to get the same consistency with the biscuits as that of the classic apple pie.

However, if you wish, you can always make your own homemade crust or crust for this type of dessert or snack.

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