Four Natural Remedies Against Fluid Retention

Do you suffer from fluid retention? Since fluid retention is typically a symptom of other conditions, it’s important to get the correct medical diagnosis and then follow a few natural steps to counteract this problem at home. In this article we tell you how.
Four natural remedies for fluid retention

Fluid retention is a problem that affects many people.

While it often goes unnoticed at first, once it reaches a certain level it can become much more disruptive.

Is fluid retention a disease?

Although it is considered a real condition, fluid retention is more likely to be a symptom of various types of diseases. That is why you should never overlook it and immediately consult an expert to rule out problems with your digestive system, heart, kidneys and the like.

Fluid retention

As the name implies, this is a problem where fluids and other substances are retained in various parts of the body. In general, this moisture and these substances come from the food you consume. Several factors can make it difficult for the body to eliminate this fluid and these substances.

Causes of Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is caused by a regulatory imbalance, which means that substances are no longer properly sent through the body. We speak of fluid retention when your body is no longer able to properly expel fluid from the body via the excretory system.

This problem can also be affected by factors such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney Disorders
  • Liver problems
  • Transition
  • Stomach disorders
  • obesity
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle

How can you recognize fluid retention?

Thick Knee

As we mentioned before, fluid retention in itself is not a disease, but rather belongs to the possible symptoms of other diseases. Still, it’s important to understand that fluid retention itself also presents its own symptoms.

To find out if you do indeed suffer from fluid retention, it can therefore help to see if one or more of the following signs are present:

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Heaviness (particularly in the legs)
  • Gradual swelling in the lower extremities
  • abdominal distention
  • Stomach ache
  • Inflammation in other parts of the body (this is slightly less common)

Natural treatments

While there are plenty of alternative treatments for fluid retention, it’s best to use treatments based on natural medicine. So look for products that suit your body, rather than ones that are actually full of harmful chemicals.

Let’s take a look at some of these resources.

1. Drink more water

It is very important to keep your body well hydrated, even if you suffer from fluid retention. While this may seem somewhat contradictory, it would actually be wise to drink even more water if you suffer from fluid retention. If you do not do this, the substances that your body retains will remain in your body even longer.

We recommend constantly changing the water your body is holding.

2. Green tea

Green tea

Food and drinks that contain diuretic ingredients are ideal for people who suffer from fluid retention. And green tea is one of the best examples of these types of drinks. This tea is not only diuretic, but also has purifying properties.

Therefore, drink a cup of green tea daily or at least three times a week. It is convenient to make the tea at home and then drink three cups of it during the day.

3. Eat pineapple

Pineapple is a delicious and juicy fruit, which makes it a favorite of many people around the world, especially those who live in tropical regions. However, people don’t eat pineapple just because of its delicious taste. Some people also consciously choose to consume this fruit because it contains a lot of beneficial nutrients for the body.

Pineapple consists for the most part of water, making it a diuretic fruit that is helpful in combating fluid retention. In addition, consuming pineapple regularly helps to improve circulation and combat cellulite.

4. Parsley Tea

Like green tea, parsley tea also has great diuretic properties that can help flush toxins out of your body.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon parsley (10 grams)


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the tablespoon of parsley. Let the parsley cook for about ten minutes.
  • It is recommended to drink at least two cups of parsley tea a day.

If you prefer not to drink tea, you can also reap the same great benefits by drinking parsley juice.

Other alternatives


In addition to the remedies we mentioned above, there are other ways to combat fluid retention that you can try:

  • Swimming for long periods of time .
  • Put your legs high.
  • Do not consume too much salt.

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