How Can You Treat Canker Sores And Mouth Ulcers?

Canker sores and mouth sores have different causes. In this article, we will tell you how to treat them and how you can reduce the risk of mouth ulcers in the future.
How can you treat canker sores and mouth ulcers?

Canker sores and mouth ulcers are small sores that manifest in the mouth. Although they are usually small, their location makes them uncomfortable and painful. Hot, cold, crunchy, and acidic foods can irritate these sores, causing even more discomfort.

They take a while to heal due to mouth moisture and food consumption. In this article, we will discuss some solutions to help heal canker sores and mouth ulcers faster.

The cause of canker sores and mouth ulcers

While they are common, no one actually knows exactly why they appear. What we do know is that these sores in the mouth affect about 20% of the population. They cause pain when talking and when eating.

There are two types: simple or complex. The first appear a few times a year and last about a week in people between the ages of 10 and 20, although they also occur in adults. The second are less common and those who suffer from them have also had cold sores. Some factors that can cause them:

  • stress
  • Sour or citrus fruits
  • Mouth injuries caused by food or utensils
  • A weakened immune system
  • Feeding problems or gastrointestinal disorders
  • Orthodontics (having braces)

We should pay attention to the difference between canker sores and herpes labialis, which can be identical in appearance. Herpes labialis or the cold sore is caused by a simple virus and is contagious, while canker sores are not. In addition, herpes labialis can also appear on other parts, such as on the lips, nose and under the chin.

If you have canker sores, you may experience a burning and painful tingling sensation, as well as white or grayish round sores with red edges. You may also have a fever and swollen lymph nodes.

The good thing about canker sores is that they almost always go away on their own after about 7 to 10 days. The pain can be very annoying, but the most important thing is not to touch it with your teeth or tongue, even if you tend to.

Natural remedies to treat canker sores and mouth ulcers


Salt to treat canker sores and mouth ulcers

This is one of the cheapest effective antiseptics in the world. It is a great ally to help wounds heal naturally. All you have to do:

  • Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.
  • Then spit out the mixture.
  • Repeat this treatment at least three times a day.

Your pain and discomfort will gradually decrease.

baking soda

Baking soda is also an effective antiseptic in these cases.

  • First, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.
  • Then rinse your mouth with this mixture without swallowing it.
  • You can also make a paste of baking soda with some water and apply it to your canker sores or mouth ulcers.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes so it can do its job and take effect.
  • Then rinse it off with cold water.

hydrogen peroxide

This is another foolproof remedy for canker sores and mouth ulcers.

  • Take a cotton swab or pad and soak it in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply it directly to your wounds three times a day.
  • You will soon feel relief.

It soothes your discomfort and reduces the risk of infections.


Mouthwash against canker sores

The key to treating canker sores and mouth ulcers is to apply antiseptics that do not infect the area. Mouthwash is a remedy that can help soothe your discomfort and control the growth of bacteria. However, don’t use too much, especially if it’s very strong. It will probably sting for a while.


An ice cube can help sores heal gradually and in turn reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It works as a sedative. Place an ice cube on the affected area as often as necessary, that’s all you need to do.


Thanks to the acidity of the milk and the bacteria it contains, yogurt will help change the pH of the mouth and control the growth of new bacteria.

Eat yogurt every day, especially if you often suffer from canker sores and mouth sores. You can also apply the yogurt directly to the wound with a cotton swab.

Tips to help prevent the formation of canker sores and mouth ulcers

Someone with canker sores

Sometimes a poor diet can lead to canker sores and mouth sores, as well as vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Therefore, it is best to include them in your diet. Other conditions that can cause those sores include:

  • an iron deficiency
  • folate deficiency
  • anemia
  • celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease

So don’t hesitate to add foods that contain iron, such as leafy green vegetables, whole grains and milk, to your diet. Also, be careful when brushing your teeth as it can cause similar injuries or irritation. The same goes for if you eat crunchy foods like cookies, bread, toast, and so on.

Finally, avoid acidic or spicy foods and chewing gum. Also, remember to floss after every meal to keep your mouth clean and healthy.

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