Resistant To Weight Loss: Are You A Victim Of That?

The weight loss process is idyllic in theory, but when it comes down to it, things often get in the way of good news when you check your weight on the scale. If this is the case with you, chances are you are making some classic mistakes. Learn more about resistance in weight loss.
Resistant to weight loss: are you a victim of that?

The motivation to start a healthy lifestyle is often enormous, as people are inspired by amazing results with drastic changes in size that they see in others. However, the cases of resistance to losing weight are the most common. Why do these problems arise?

The truth is that constant diets and exercise are not enough because you have to pay attention to more details and pay attention to common mistakes. As you read on, you will discover the top reasons why weight loss is becoming too complicated for many.

Top reasons why you are resistant to weight loss

Resistance to weight loss is often due to a combination of the reasons that we will explain below. If your goal is to stop being frustrated every time you step on a scale, then you need to pay attention to the following factors.

1. Not drinking enough water

You must drink enough water to not become resistant to losing weight

The importance of water for the body is well known. Healthy diets, however, can overlook the basics and focus on points deemed more complex.

In general, between 1.5 and 2 liters of water is needed per day. Depending on weight, height, age and activity, the total amount will of course have to be adjusted.

In addition, resistance to weight loss can occur because dehydration affects the burning of fat in your body. Therefore, the lipolysis during training will not be as efficient if you do not drink the necessary amount of water.

2. Eating Worse Than You Think

Dieting prioritizes factors such as reducing the calories you consume. And while that’s important, it shouldn’t be the only thing you’re evaluating for weight loss. For example, you should also pay attention to the body’s response to certain dietary measures.

Eating every 3 or 4 hours can be a negative if ultra-processed foods are any part of your diet. If the balance between hunger and satiety is not in balance, the body can understand that it needs to store more energy, and so it will store fat.

3. Presence of regular stress

Emotional stress is another barrier to weight loss resistance. Why? Because it is associated with energy savings due to the survival instinct. At the same time, food is often used as a means to control those uncomfortable feelings that are bothering us, causing us to eat more than we should.

4. Resistant to weight loss due to drug interference

There are drugs that alter the body’s response to weight loss. Therefore, if, for example, you are on medication related to depression (Spanish link), diabetes or high blood pressure, a visit to a doctor will be crucial to avoid any incompatibility with losing weight and getting fit.

5. You’re Not Getting Enough Exercise

If you are resistant to losing weight, this can arise after a major change. After you overcome the first stage and notice that you have a better figure, stagnation often occurs. This situation is usually the result of insufficient exercise.

If the workout routine worked before to achieve substantial changes, it’s likely that an adjustment in intensity will be needed to not stop the progress.

6. Not enough rest can make you resistant to weight loss

According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, sleeping 8 hours a day improves eating behavior and helps maintain desired body weight.

Resting less than the minimum recommended hours raises cortisol levels, which has two major effects on resistance to weight loss – increased hunger and deficiencies in regenerating hormones. Both can lead to the accumulation of body fat.

7. The presence of alcohol in the diet

Alcohol is bad in any diet

Finally, among the main factors that can make you resistant to losing weight, we have to talk about the consumption of alcohol in your diet. In fact, even if you are not on a diet, excessive drinking also has negative consequences.

When we talk about how alcohol affects weight loss alone, we know that it has the necessary calories (1 gram of alcohol contains more than 7 calories) that easily and quickly undermine the efforts of exercise and dieting. In addition, it impairs liver function and weakens the ability to burn fat.

Being resistant to weight loss starts with mental health

Being resistant to losing weight is an evil that we should not obsess over when we see that our efforts are not reaching the desired goal. Rather, it should serve as motivation to change the habits that silently harm us. Some considerations that can complement the 7 reasons above are the following:

  • Consider practicing intermittent fasting.
  • Know what your homeostatic threshold is.
  • Don’t forget to vary your workouts.
  • Don’t get distracted while eating.
  • Avoid drinking fruit juices and soft drinks.

Likewise, taking care of your mental health is the first step that leads to physical changes. With a good attitude, aligning all factors will not be an unattainable challenge. Make the necessary changes in your life and reach your ideal weight!

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