Six Simple Exercises For Neck Pain

You can combine these exercises with a number of natural remedies. They give a sense of relief almost immediately.
Six simple exercises for neck pain

If you often suffer from neck pain, you are probably aware of the discomfort it can cause. Don’t worry and keep reading for some simple exercises for neck pain that will relieve the pain in a matter of minutes. After that you will feel much better.

Six simple exercises for neck pain

Exercise 1

Exercises for neck pain

The first exercise on our list involves turning the head to the left until the chin rests on the shoulder. Hold this position for two seconds.

Then you have to turn your head to the right and also hold this for two seconds. Turn your head to the left again and as you turn it back, extend your neck as far as you can. Then roll your head toward your right shoulder. Hold this position for two seconds and repeat in a set of ten.

Exercise 2

In our second exercise,  you should support your chin with your hands while moving your head toward the floor. Then move your head back (slowly) and push it against your hands.

Repeat this exercise ten to twenty times.

Exercise 3

Stretching Neck Muscles

For this exercise, bring your hands together and place them behind your neck. You just need to use your neck muscles a little to press against your hands.

Then lean your head forward as much as possible while using your hands to apply pressure to the back of your neck. Repeat ten to twenty times.

Exercise 4

In this exercise, you place your right hand against your right temple.

Push back against the pressure of your hand and rotate your neck to the right and then to the left. Repeat this with your left hand against your left temple.

Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times for both sides.

Exercise 5

Neck stretching sideways

The fifth exercise is also very easy to perform. Place your left hand on your head and pull your head towards your left shoulder as far as you can.

Hold this position for twenty to thirty seconds and repeat the exercise with your right hand as well. Repeat three times.

Exercise 6

For our sixth exercise,  massage the back of your head for three to five minutes. It gives you a great feeling of pain relief in your neck.

Natural resources

Remember that in addition to these helpful exercises, you can always combine these routines with a range of natural remedies for neck pain, which we will explain below.

1. Ice cream


First , you can put ice cubes in a plastic bag on your neck. If you have a minor injury, crushed ice is the ideal solution to reduce swelling.

Once the swelling has subsided, hold a towel soaked in warm water against the skin for ten minutes.

2. Orange peel bath

Another alternative to try at home is to prepare a bath with three orange peels, four lettuce leaves and two tablespoons of honey. Mix all ingredients in half a liter of water. Let it boil for twenty minutes and it is ready to use.

This infusion can be a pleasant option for a relaxing bath. If you suffer from stress or tension, this remedy is the perfect solution for neck pain.

3. Nettle

nettle tea

Nettle is a plant that possesses powerful anti-inflammatory effects, making it ideal for treating neck pain and headaches.

If you want to make a poultice with nettle, you should add a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it boil for a few minutes. Then you strain the water.

Dip a cloth in the mixture and apply it to the affected area. The pain will be relieved within minutes.

4. Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass possesses powerful anti-inflammatory effects. A cup of lemongrass tea can help you feel better.

It is an effective solution that should not be overlooked if you are trying to find quick relief from your pain. If you work in an office or sit in front of a computer for a long time, don’t forget to try this tea as it is an exceptionally good remedy for neck pain.

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