Prevent And Fight Against Skin Condition Psoriasis With These 7 Natural Remedies

In addition to trying these natural remedies, it is very important to keep your stress levels under control. This can also lead to outbreaks of psioriasis.
Prevent and fight skin condition psoriasis with these 7 natural remedies

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is difficult to treat and tends to get worse with age. Almost anything can trigger an outbreak or worsening of psoriasis. For example, a certain food, stress or a sudden change in the weather.

Discover the 7 best homemade natural remedies for preventing and fighting psoriasis in this article. With patience and persistence, you can slow the progress of the skin condition or see a significant improvement.

Conditioning Factors

It is good to remind yourself of the possible influential factors when creating a natural treatment for psoriasis.

As in any health condition, you should have a healthy diet. Your nervous system must also be in balance. You should also avoid harmful substances such as tobacco or alcohol and exercise regularly.

A good diet

Remedies for the skin condition psoriasis

Diet is important in controlling psoriasis as it can be one of the main causes.

Both the food you eat and how you eat it are habits that you should gradually try to improve. This could be a good way to calm this disease.

  • Increase intake of natural products (fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds)
  • Avoid using refined flours.
  • Swap white sugar for natural sweeteners (stevia, coconut sugar, honey, etc.)
  • Eat less ready meals, fried foods and packaged foods.
  • Avoid dairy products.

Nerves and stress

Nervous conditions such as anxiety or stress can also affect the skin condition as they  can cause a sudden outbreak of inflammation and itching.

It is therefore very important to keep your nervous system in balance in a natural way. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Exercise two or three times a week.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
  • If necessary, use relaxing medicinal plants such as relaxants (lemon balm, passion flower, lime)

Remedies for the Skin Condition Psoriasis

1. Clay and cucumber poultice

Remedies For Skin Condition Psoriasis With Cucumber

Clay is a really healthy natural product for treating this skin condition in three ways:

  • Reduced inflammation.
  • Absorbs and eliminates toxins from the skin
  • Provides the body with minerals.

However, clay can also dry out the skin, which isn’t great for psoriasis.

For this reason , we recommend mixing it with cucumber juice instead of water. In this way, the compress will moisturize, refresh and soothe the skin.

2. Licorice Bath

Licorice has a similar effect to cortisone but without the associated side effects.

It is therefore an excellent natural remedy to use in a relaxing bath, especially if you suffer from psoriasis.

3. Seawater

Seawater as a remedy for skin disease psoriasis

Seawater is one of the simplest and cheapest natural remedies you can use. Its mineralizing power along with its antiseptic and alkalizing properties make it an excellent choice for application to the skin.

  • The best alternative would be to go to the beach and swim in the sea but you can also apply it as a spray.

4. Carrot Compress

Carrots are rich in antioxidants. They are very beneficial for all types of skin problems.

  • For this reason, you can grate it, wrap it in a rag and then apply it on the affected area.
  • You also have to be persistent and do it every day to benefit from it.

5. Aloe vera inside and out

Aloe vera against the skin condition psoriasis

Aloe vera is an indispensable plant. You can stimulate bowel function by drinking it as juice. The gut is strongly linked to psoriasis. That’s why you need to make sure you have regular bowel movements.

Aloe vera is also great for topical treatment that soothes, hydrates and regenerates the skin.

6. Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil contains, among other things, essential omega 3 fatty acids that are excellent for the skin and especially for psoriasis. They nourish the skin from within and prevent dryness and itching.

  • You can take it in pill form or as ground seed. Keep in mind that it oxidizes easily.

7. Coconut Oil And Geranium Oil

Coconut oil against the skin condition psoriasis

Extra virgin coconut oil is very effective in controlling psoriasis due to its fatty acid content.

When you mix it with essential geranium oil, you get a natural product that nourishes dry skin, supports skin renewal and reduces inflammation.

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