Have Scientists Discovered The ‘physical Source Of Depression’?

What if the risk of depression were determined by factors in the body? According to a recent study, this is indeed a possible explanation, because certain connections in the brain are said to cause this condition. Is this the physical source of depression?
Have scientists discovered the 'physical source of depression'?

Progressive scientific research has discovered the physical source of depression in the brain .

The discovery could lead to the development of theories that will change the treatment and view of this mental illness. It would also be a great advance in understanding the physical source of depression.

The University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and the University of Fudan in China have shown that depression affects the orbitofrontal cortex and lateral cerebral cortex. This part of the brain is activated when a person is punished or does not receive any rewards.

As a result of this finding, this idea is assumed.

The research is important in the fight against depression

People are looking for the physical source of depression.  Depressed woman.

Professor Feng is the researcher. This is what he says about the results:

“At least one in ten people will suffer from depression during their lifetime. Depression is so common in modern society that we even find traces of Prozac (an antidepressant) in London tap water.

Our discovery and in combination with the many data from around the world and with our new methods, we can pinpoint the source of depression. This will open new avenues: in the near future we will be able to develop better therapeutic treatments. So we will be able to treat this terrible disease.”

Results of the Physical Source of Depression Study

Woman with mood swings

Researchers in China scanned the brains of 909 people. They used MRIs with a high precision. They were able to draw important conclusions from the data from these scans.

Namely that in someone with depression there was activity in the connections between different parts of the human brain. They determined this activity in the orbital medial cortex and in the lateral cerebral cortex.

Too little reward?

These areas of the cerebral cortex are associated with under-rewarding of rewards. Precisely this part of the brain showed a stronger connection in the brains of the group of people with depression.

It has therefore been established that certain connections in the brain are at work in this condition. This discovery could be of tremendous importance in treatment.

Sources of Depression

depressed girl

In this important study, therefore, the following has been demonstrated. This part of the brain is activated when a person undergoes a severe punishment or when he or she does not receive a desired reward.  For that reason, the experts believe that depression could be related to the experience of punishment or reward.

The discovery would give us the opportunity to try new treatments and develop a different view of this mental illness. At the same time, of course, it also provides us with an important basis for understanding the physical source of depression.

What Factors Affect Depression?

It’s not that there is just one factor that causes depression. In practice, some people are more susceptible to it than others.

We give you an overview of a number of explanations in which people try to explain the predisposition to this disease:

Genetic and Biochemical Factors

  • When there is already a history of depression in the family or in the family ; then the risk of this disorder is high.
  • Biochemical factors. In addition, certain studies indicate that brain biochemistry plays an important role. In persons with severe depression, the neurotransmitters are not in balance. These are certain chemical components.

Sleep and Medicine

  • It is also true that the sleep patterns of depressed people are often different.
  • As a final factor, we mention that some medications can cause or relieve depression. Certain hormones can also cause a change in a person’s emotional state.

Environmental factors

  • Certain situations can also lead to depression; for example, the death of a close relative or friend. Other possible causes are: a chronic illness, interpersonal problems, economic problems, a divorce, and so on.
  • All of the foregoing factors can cause major depressive episodes. But if they last longer, those episodes eventually turn into clinical depression.

Other causes

A seasonal condition 

People who suffer from this will go through a depressive episode in the winter months when the days get shorter. It is believed that as the number of hours of daylight increases, the balance of certain chemicals in the brain changes.

Other causes

Some people have negative mental images and low self-esteem. They also feel that they have little or no control over the circumstances in their lives and tend to worry too much. These people are more likely to suffer from depression.

It seems that this pattern of negative thoughts already starts in childhood or adolescence. Over time, this will develop into a depressed personality.

If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, never hesitate to ask for help. That’s the best way to recover and feel great again.

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