5 Alternative Ways To Use Eggshells

Instead of throwing away your eggshells, you can also use them for a variety of other purposes to make the most of the nutrients they contain. Here are 5 alternatives to throwing away your eggshells.
5 alternative ways to use eggshells

Have you ever heard of the alternative ways to use eggshells?

It is morning. You wake up, go to the kitchen, turn on the coffee maker and start your day. Later, after a nice shower and getting yourself made up, you decide to make yourself a nice breakfast: “What if I prepare eggs?

Believe it or not, besides being a nutritious and delicious product, eggs have some pretty special alternatives you can use them for.

You are probably already familiar with the idea of ​​how healthy it is and that it is recommended to eat eggs in a balanced diet. Plus, you probably know many (if not all) of the possible ways to prepare them in the kitchen and their benefits for you.

However, have you ever considered what else you could use eggs for, other than to feed yourself with them?

In case you didn’t already know, the eggshell is one of nature’s most amazing engineering designs to date.

Alternatives to your eggshells

It seems so fragile, yet an eggshell is very solid and is perfect for isolating organic material (the chicken embryo) from the outside world.

That’s not all. Eggs also have high values ​​of groups of amino acids and molecules that are important for the maintenance and care of DNA strands.

Five alternative ways to use eggshells

1. Whiten your clothes

Eggshells to wash your clothes

Yes, you read that right. Now we also know that you could probably reach for bleach for this household chore without any problems.

However, eggshells are a much more natural alternative.

It’s very simple: put the eggshells in a laundry bag or other well-sealed net and place it in the washing machine to whiten your clothes. For example, it works perfectly to get stains out of your clothes.

2. As food for your plants

The beneficial nutrients of eggs are very good, but not just for humans.

  • Using a fairly simple method, you can use eggshells as an alternative source of various nutrients for your plants.
  • All you need is a glass container/jar, warm water, eggshells and a little sunlight.
  • With these ingredients you can make a very effective cocktail of nutrients that you can use to care for your plants.

Water your plants with this solution  to nourish them and make your garden stronger.

3. Homemade Chalk

Eggshells for making chalk


  • 1 tablespoon flour (10 g)
  • 1 cup very hot water (250 ml)
  • 5 crushed eggshells
  • Food coloring (optional)


  • Mix the flour with the hot water in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of the ground eggshells.
  • Mix well and let it form into a thick paste.
  • Add the food coloring of your choice and mix all ingredients well again.
  • Place the mixture in molds.
  • Let it dry for three days.

4. Pest and other animal control

If the presence of rodents, snails or even cats is driving you crazy because they are destroying your garden, eggshells offer an immediate solution.

Simply crush some eggshells and spread it in your garden. You will notice how the pests will increasingly disappear from your garden and will no longer bother you.

5. As a way to channel good energy


One of the last of our alternative ways to use eggshells is for channeling positive energy.

For some people, maintaining the right balance between the mind and the soul is a challenge. This challenge ensures that more and more people are focusing on this.

Eggs are an ideal tool for channeling positive energy.

People who practice this assure us that the egg has the property of blocking bad energy. So the egg acts like a filter, but for the mind.

What are you waiting for? Try these alternative ways to use eggshells! 

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