Four Natural Ingredients For Brittle Nails

There are many different options for treating fragile nails. In this article, you’ll discover four natural ingredients that you probably already have at home that can help you solve this problem. Read on quick!
Four natural ingredients for brittle nails

To treat fragile nails, you can use many different products that can strengthen the nails. There are two reasons why the nails can split or flake.

The first reason is if your hands are often submerged in water for work. This weakens the nails and makes them look unhealthy. The second reason is a poor diet.

Low levels of iron and calcium tend to weaken the nails, causing them to break. Do you want to combat fragile nails in a natural way? Then you should definitely keep reading!

Natural ingredients to treat brittle nails

It may be a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure you have enough iron and calcium. We also list here some foods for you that can effectively treat brittle nails if it is only an aesthetic problem.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is a product with multiple uses. Not only is it useful to treat brittle nails, but it can also combat dry skin, for example. The reason for this lies in the properties, which are explained in various studies such as this one. These include the following:

  • Hydrates deeply
  • Makes the nails beautiful
  • Makes the nails shiny
  • Nourishes the cuticles
Olive oil in a bottle with olives around it

Olive oil contains fatty acids and antioxidants that help strengthen brittle nails. The best way to use olive oil is to massage it directly onto the nails. It is best to do this at night before going to bed. Then go to sleep without washing your hands so that the oil penetrates your nails well.

2. Avocado Oil

Avocado is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This fruit is packed with healthy fats and other properties, making it great for treating fragile nails. The oil deeply moisturizes the nails, while also nourishing and restructuring them.

While you can buy avocado oil, you can also make your own avocado paste at home. For this you just need to do the following:

  • Peel an avocado.
  • Crush the pulp in a bowl.
  • Then apply this to your nails.

3. Garlic

One of the best natural ingredients for treating weak and brittle nails is garlic. You may have heard of garlic nail polish, which is a great way to treat brittle nails. However, there is also a more natural choice.

  • Finely chop some garlic cloves, put them in a bowl of water, and let it sit for a while.
  • Then soak your nails in the water for about ten minutes.
  • After that, you can let your nails air dry to maximize the benefits of this ingredient even more.
Dip your nails in water with garlic

Garlic possesses antimicrobial properties that will prove helpful if your brittle nails are caused by onychomycosis. You can also use this remedy every day.

4. Castor Oil

Castor oil is the last ingredient we will share with you in this article to treat brittle nails. It helps to moisturize the nails, it penetrates between the layers and strengthens them.

This oil is composed of fatty acids, as mentioned in the English article Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production . Like the first two options, massage this oil directly onto your nails. You should do this every day until you see improvement.

A few more tips against brittle nails

With the products in this article you can treat fragile nails if you suffer from this. Still, it’s important to keep a few tips in mind that can help speed up recovery and prevent this issue from happening again.

  • Wear gloves if you are going to submerge your nails for an extended period of time. Gloves help protect your nails and prevent this problem.
  • If your nails break as a result of a poor diet, it’s important to eat healthier. To do this, you can consult a nutritionist.
  • Either way, or as part of your beauty routine, you can use the ingredients we’ve featured here to moisturize your nails. This way they always stay in good condition, not just when you suffer from some kind of problem as described in this article.

Have you ever used any of the oils we mentioned here or garlic to treat brittle nails? Have you achieved good results?

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