Treat Bruises With Natural Remedies

As long as there are no complications, there are a number of home remedies and natural ingredients that can potentially help treat bruises. Some may even prevent bruising if you apply them in time.
Treat bruises with natural remedies

In no time you can get a punch to your arm or leg that later turns into a big bruise. It’s so easy and it’s something we’ve all experienced. However, how can you treat bruising?

Bruises are nothing more than injuries caused by a bump, fall, or blow that causes a small rupture in the small blood vessels. These bruises can take on different colors and shades.

They generally start out as purple because of the amount of blood in the tissues. As time goes by they begin to disappear. The recovery time for your skin will depend on how hard you were hit.

Characteristics of bruises

There are diseases that make it easier to bruise. However, this usually only happens in very serious or rare diseases. However, not getting enough vitamins can also make you more prone to bruising.

Any tap can damage your skin. For that reason, it is very important to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Let’s take a look below at some home remedies to treat bruises.

Home remedies to treat bruises

Bruise on leg

If you have had or usually have very dark bruises, you may be able to treat them with the following remedies. They can be very effective techniques to treat bruises and improve their appearance.

1. Cold meat

You have probably seen this in many movies or TV series. It’s a funny picture, but at the same time it’s a very old and respected tool. They say meat, especially steak, can help absorb the mark that is about to form.

To use this remedy, we strongly recommend that you do not wait for the bruise to appear. Apply the cold meat immediately so that the bruise may not form.

2. Ice cubes

Be very careful when using ice cubes on bruises. Do not put them directly on your skin, as ice can irritate and burn it. If you have an open wound, do not apply ice.

However, if you only have a bruise, you can put some ice cubes in a clean cloth or bag. Then put it on the bruise to help reduce the swelling.

3. Apple cider vinegar

As many people say, apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy wonder.

  • To help reduce bruising, dilute a splash of vinegar in cold water.
  • Then apply it to the affected area with a cotton pad.

You will see that the vinegar can help your blood circulate better. The bruise will gradually disappear as a result.

4. Salt and Lemon

Lemons can also help improve the appearance of your skin when you have a bruise.

  • To make this homemade treatment, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice with a little salt to a cloth.
  • Apply it to the bruise.
  • Then let it act for 30 minutes.

5. Sunshine and massages

The sun’s rays can potentially be very helpful in treating bruises. Ultraviolet rays can help break down bilirubin. This substance causes the bruising and leaves behind that characteristic yellowish color.

Additionally, gently massaging or having the area massaged may help to make the bruise disappear and keep your skin looking healthy.

Tips to treat bruises

Bruise on arm

Now we’ll share some of the best tips for taking care of your skin if you’ve taken a knock on your arms or legs.

  • The first goal is to avoid punches and not get bruises. For that reason, you should protect your body by wearing appropriate clothing at all times. Teach children to be careful while playing. They are not allowed to climb or play in dangerous places without supervision.
  • If a bruise does occur, hold the affected area up to possibly relieve the pain and pressure.
  • Apply ice as soon as possible. This can help relieve the pain so it doesn’t swell too much.
  • Rest the affected area. For example, if you have a bruise on your leg, try not to stand on it for too long.
  • If you get hit hard, you can take some painkillers for the pain. However, we do not recommend taking aspirin for pain. Aspirin can actually increase blood flow.
  • Take more vitamin C so that bruising may disappear faster.
  • If you have a bruise, give it time to heal and watch how it heals. If the spot doesn’t heal or gets worse, you should have your doctor look at it.
  • In addition, if you’ve had a bump in the eye and are having trouble seeing, see your doctor for an evaluation as well.

Don’t forget to take care of your bruises to avoid complications

Bruising can potentially scare you, but they are also common if you fall or get injured. However, you need to know how best to treat and heal them so that they don’t lead to major problems. Keep the tips in this article in mind and try them next time.

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