Consuming Yogurt For Diarrhea: Is It Okay?

Yogurt is characterized by the content of probiotics, vitamins and minerals. Despite being a dairy product, it seems beneficial in the case of diarrhea. Keep reading to find out why!
Consuming Yogurt For Diarrhea: Is It Okay?

Many people, especially those with regular digestive problems, wonder if it is a good idea to consume yogurt when they have diarrhea. Diarrhea is usually a sign of alteration of the gut microbiome. At the same time, it is associated with stress or a specific infection.

In any case, diet plays an important role in dealing with this problem. It can even prevent certain other complications from occurring, although sometimes it is also necessary to supplement the diet with specific drugs.

Regarding the consumption of yogurt, several pieces of evidence suggest that it is a beneficial product as long as it does not contain added sugars.

It is true that yogurt is a nutritious and probiotic food that can help promote the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. What else is there to know about consuming yogurt for diarrhea? Keep reading to find out!

Yogurt is a source of probiotics

Two glasses of natural yogurt

One of the main characteristics of yogurt is that it has a high content of certain bacteria. It’s about the Lactobacillus, to be more specific. These microorganisms can settle in the digestive tract, which helps reduce the risk of developing metabolic diseases.

According to research published in the journal Nutrients, consuming probiotic bacteria regularly helps reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes and some types of cardiovascular disease.

There are a number of methods available to ensure a steady supply of bacteria beneficial to the gut.

  • The first method is, of course, using probiotics supplements. In this case, it’s best to choose a single-strain product with an abundance of bacteria that can guarantee they reach the parts of the gut where they need to settle.
  • It is also possible to introduce these microorganisms into the digestive system through the regular consumption of fermented products, such as yogurt and kefir.

Consuming yogurt for diarrhea

As mentioned earlier, diarrhea is a gastrointestinal condition that can have multiple causes. Most have to do with an imbalance in the gut microbiome. For this reason, ensuring a regular supply of beneficial bacteria could help improve this process.

In addition, a study in children showed that the consumption of probiotics can prevent and treat diarrhea caused by the ingestion of antibiotics.

This study used supplements to obtain the stated results. However, it is also possible to consume yogurt regularly to prevent intestinal disorders.

In general, it is quite common for experts to recommend consuming yogurt to a patient undergoing antibiotic treatment. This advice has a clear goal: to increase the protection of the microbiome against the damage that drugs can cause.

If there is no protection against the action of the drugs, the risk of processes associated with dysbiosis and the appearance of gastrointestinal disorders may increase.

Consuming yogurt reduces stress diarrhea

A woman with stomachache

Believe it or not, stress can cause diarrhea or other intestinal disorders in some people. An article published in The Chinese Medical Journal explains how close the relationship between the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract is.

Therefore, a change in one of the two systems can directly affect the other. Therefore, any process of stress or emotional disturbance can greatly increase the risk of diarrhea.

In addition, to reduce the occurrence of emotional disorders, it is recommended to take care of the intestinal flora and improve the lifestyle. Consuming probiotic-rich yogurt may also protect against mood swings.

The intake of kefir or supplementation with probiotics also works very well. However, there is one big difference between the two: the taste. Not all people like kefir for its texture and sour taste, while yogurt is usually relatively sweet.

It is of course important to look at the information on the label. That way you can choose a product that contains no added sugars. In that case, you would be consuming lower quality yogurt, which can negatively affect your metabolic health and blood glucose levels.

Consuming yogurt with diarrhea is completely okay

Consuming yogurt for diarrhea can improve the symptoms of this problem and speed up recovery. However, we must make something clear. It is not necessary to have diarrhea to include this product in your diet.

In fact, yogurt is recommended in almost every meal plan. The reason for this is that yogurt contains probiotics, healthy fats and proteins. In addition, it provides calcium and other essential minerals that can help promote well-being.

However, it is essential to remember to read the information on the label. Only in this way can you determine whether it is a high-quality product. Not all dairy desserts on the market fall under the concept of yogurt. Some contain too much sugar and little to no probiotics.

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