How To Prevent Cellulite And Get Firmer Skin

When the weather improves and the temperature rises, cellulite becomes more visible. However, we must not forget that cellulite is not always just an aesthetic problem, but sometimes also a health problem. How can you prevent cellulite and get firmer skin?
How to prevent cellulite and get firmer skin

Many women struggle as they age and enter new life stages to prevent the build-up of cellulite and maintain or achieve firmer skin.

We can hide behind long pants in the winter, but when summer approaches and the weather approaches for a skirt, dress and swimsuit, the fear and irritation about cellulite on the legs increases.

Fortunately, there are healthy habits that we can practice all year round to keep skin looking better. However, the first step is understanding what cellulite is and how it affects our health.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite refers to an accumulation of fatty tissue. This tissue usually collects on the thighs, but also on the buttocks, abdomen, arms, upper arms and legs and forms nodules. As a result, it produces irregularities in the skin often referred to as an ‘orange peel’.

Reducing cellulite is about more than just aesthetics. Cellulite can also affect our health, because it hinders the proper circulation of blood in our legs.

It therefore contributes to the likelihood of the appearance of varicose veins and lymphatic pathologies, which are deeper and more difficult to treat. For this reason, it is important to develop new habits and try to prevent the development of cellulite.

11 Habits That Help Prevent Cellulite And Get Firmer Skin

Cellulite on a woman's thigh

Change your diet to prevent cellulite

  • Eat a varied and balanced diet. Although cellulite affects 98% of women, following a balanced diet reduces the chances of developing cellulite. At the same time, it helps to maintain the skin’s firmness.
  • Avoid soda, fast food, and industrial pastries, as all of these can contribute to fluid retention and weight gain. In contrast, we should choose healthy options, including plenty of foods rich in vitamins and collagen.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as excess salt in your diet can also cause fluid retention. This is a difficult goal to achieve since almost everything contains salt. To reduce, you can season the food with herbs instead of salt.

Water and exercise

drink a lot of water

This helps the body get rid of waste products and improve cellular function. Experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day, which can be difficult for many people.

  • A good way to achieve this is to drink one glass per hour.
  • If you like, you can also add a squeeze of lemon or orange to add a bit of flavor.

Stay active

You don’t have to go to a gym to prevent cellulite. You just need to walk regularly. This is a simple habit that almost all of us can incorporate into our daily routine to strengthen the skin on your legs.

  • For example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great starting point.
  • At the gym, you can focus on cardio or aerobic exercises.

Self massage

Massaging the areas where cellulite is most prevalent improves circulation and lymphatic drainage. For example, you can use a cellulite massage glove to massage your skin and remove dead cells. It’s also a good idea to end your shower with a stream of cold water running down your legs.

Avoid tight clothes

Wearing tight clothing makes blood flow more difficult, which can lead to cellulite. It is therefore important not to wear tight clothing that prevents the flow of blood.

Rest and stress

Woman stretches

Get the rest your body needs

Sleeping at least 8 hours a day promotes overall health and especially the health of the skin. If we don’t sleep well, this increases the accumulation of fat in our body, which can promote the development of orange peel.

By elevating your legs while you rest (Spanish link) you improve circulation, remove toxins and possibly prevent the development of cellulite.

Avoid stress

In modern society, it seems impossible to relax and control negative emotions. As a result, the skin becomes more fragile and prone to changes. So try to avoid this as much as possible.


Enjoy healthy activities such as yoga, meditation and the like to achieve good emotional balance. All these activities can help prevent cellulite if you combine them with the other advice.

Control your weight to prevent cellulite

  • Drink fruit juices in combination with vegetables : don’t forget to fill your fridge with pineapple, papaya, apples and squeeze them together with celery, carrots and plant extracts in a juicer. That way, you can cleanse your body and prevent the build-up of toxins to reduce cellulite.
  • Maintain your ideal weight: Rapid weight gain and loss exacerbate cellulite. Due to these sudden changes in weight, the body tissue loses its elasticity and becomes more prone to flaccidity and the accumulation of fat.

Finally, there are cosmetic treatments that successfully erase the traces of cellulite. However, the best thing you can do is learn these 11 simple habits to prevent the build-up of cellulite.

Change your eating habits, stay hydrated, get enough rest and maintain your weight. That way you strengthen your muscles, improve the appearance of your skin (Spanish link) and achieve better overall health.

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