5 Reasons Unhappy Couples Stay Together

Unhappy couples stay together in some cases. Yet they know that they are not in a healthy relationship. Find out in this article why such couples sometimes can’t break up.
5 Reasons Why Unhappy Couples Stay Together

There is a high percentage of unhappy couples all over the world. The paradox is that almost all of these people can advise their friends to break up if they share their relationship problems with them.

Almost all of us know this kind of couples in our circle of friends. No one knows how they can stay together despite endless bickering and a constant lack of respect.

What do we consider unhappy couples?

Couples where quarrels are the basis of the ‘communication’

Every word, gesture or pose from one partner quickly leads to an argument. There comes a time when they only talk to start an argument or to put the blame on each other.

This is a waste of energy for them and for the people around them, who keep wondering why they are still together.

It is impossible to maintain a dialogue because they always focus on something their partner has done wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s in public or private, they just have a habit of communicating this way.

Couples where lies and infidelity have taken over the relationship

Couple in bed ignoring each other

One or both partners live behind a wall of lies. Even cheating is just that everyone gets it, but they still won’t end the relationship anyway.

Respect and trust seem to have no place in their relationship. They know that this is the case and because of that they suffer in silence.

Couples where personal projects are eternal frustrations

In general, the partners of unhappy couples cannot achieve their own goals. They can’t agree on what they want in the future. Then one of the partners becomes angry and this resentment will continue to cause problems in the relationship.

You lose interest in your partner’s achievements because he goes his own way at a completely different pace and without regard for what you want.

Everyone knows one or more unhappy couples who are still together, but today we will try to understand why they don’t break up. Unhappy couples stay together and the reasons are often linked to the partners.

Discover the reasons why unhappy couples stay together

1. Family Pressure or Ignorant Pride

Many families encourage their children to marry for life. Implicitly, one should then tolerate everything that happens in a relationship, so that they don’t ruin the family name with a divorce.

So you can’t go back on your decision once you’ve decided to be with someone. While that may seem like an old-fashioned belief, many unhappy couples are still together for fear of disappointing their families.

Others, on the other hand, feel like they’ve fought so hard for their relationship that they can’t afford to break up. They know that their parents were right, that their partner was not right for them, but their short-term pride is more important than their long-term happiness.

2. Fear of being left alone

Fear of loneliness

Loneliness is like a ghost that terrifies many people. So there are people who choose to go on with their dull and sad lives because they think it’s better than spending time alone.

That fear acts as a barrier that prevents them from seeing beyond what lies ahead. They don’t even allow themselves to think that there are other people waiting to make them happy.

3. Kids need a family no matter what

One of the most serious mistakes couples make is staying together simply because they have children. They think that staying under one roof guarantees happy children. They are responsible for the well-being of their children.

However, that is a serious fallacy. Children will be happy as long as their parents are too. Growing up in a hostile environment, full of arguments, makes for a terrible childhood.

4. The time invested in the relationship has its price

Some people are convinced that the years they have spent on the relationship and the money they have put into it justify the effort to stay together.

If they went to such lengths to keep the relationship going, it would supposedly be “unfair” to end it, despite how tedious their day-to-day life can be.

Also , it is painful to realize that they lost so much time in their lives to finally get a divorce. And so they choose to face the future with no changes toward a better life.

5. Emotional or economic dependence is a decisive argument

In toxic relationships, people are often too dependent on their partner, both emotionally and economically. They can’t even imagine divorcing them. They know they are unhappy in their relationship but think they would not survive a breakup.

For example, if the couple decided at the beginning of the relationship that one partner would work and the other take care of the household chores, then the couple may be afraid to end that agreement.

The fear of starting over with a new lifestyle and having to re-establish themselves in the labor market and the ‘social market’  would make it an impossible idea to consider breaking up.


Ask your friends for help

Unhappy couples stay together for a variety of reasons, which unfortunately most people around them cannot always understand.

Perhaps their close friends try to talk to them about their problems and try to give them advice. However, the truth is that only the couple themselves can do something to change the situation.

There are people who turn to professional help to improve their relationship or to make the right decisions. And there are others who do nothing and just move on with their lives in the hope that the future will be better.

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