3 Antioxidant Juices To Combat Premature Aging

If you follow these tips and consume these antioxidant juices, you will help prevent premature aging and have a young and strong body. Your age doesn’t matter. As always you will shine because you are worth it.

Below we will discuss 3 antioxidant juices to help prevent premature aging. Aging is something that starts from the moment we are born,  but there is a certain moment when we realize it is happening. Every person has their own moment.

For example, this could be the moment someone calls you Mr. or Mrs. for the first time, or through the appearance of gray hair, or the day we reach our thirties or forties.

Other people become aware of the time when they are tired after doing an activity they used to not get tired of. Or they are in a certain place, in a bar for example, where they normally went in their twenties.

We all experience these moments. If you’ve experienced them too, you’re probably wondering  what you can do to help combat the signs of aging. Everywhere you look you see many solutions: creams, lotions, cosmetic treatments and even operations.

However, the most important thing is to take good care of the inside of your body. This is because the cells in your body become weaker over time. To do this, we recommend drinking antioxidant juices. These are hugely popular. There are many different recipes out there, but  we want to share the easiest and most effective with you here. 

Antioxidant juices to prevent premature aging

1. Carrot asparagus juice

The first of these antioxidant juices contains  essential elements that can help keep your cells young. The results of these elements will translate into soft and glowing skin.

If your skin’s impurities are irritating you or if your cellulite is starting to get uncomfortable, this is the juice for you. One glass a day is sufficient.


  • 4 carrots
  • 10 asparagus
  • 1 lemongrass sprig (Cymbopogon citratus)


  • Remove the ends of the carrot and cut it into slices.
  • Peel the asparagus.
  • Finely chop the lemongrass and remove the leaves.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until you have a smooth juice.
  • Enjoy it!

2. Carrot And Evening Primrose Oil

Mixing evening primrose oil with carrots is a very interesting and alternative remedy,  because the beta-carotene enhances the properties of the fatty acids. 

This juice is rich in omega 6 fatty acids, which are perfect  for supporting cell rejuvenation and the health of our skin. In addition, it contains vitamin E. This can make our skin radiant. To make it easier to mix the carrots with the oil, you can add apple to the juice.


  • 4 apples
  • 3 carrots
  • 15 g evening primrose oil


  • Cut the apples and carrots.
  • Put the pieces in the blender.
  • Blend for a few minutes until you have  a smooth texture. 
  • Add the tablespoon of evening primrose oil and then stir until well mixed with the fruit.
  • If you choose this juice to combat premature aging,  drink a glass a day. 

3. Orange juice and strawberries

Orange juice with strawberries

Vitamin C is one  of the most powerful agents to create collagen in the skin. 


  • The juice of 1 orange
  • 7 strawberries
  • 1 slice of pineapple


  • Squeeze the juice from the orange.
  • Cut the strawberries and pineapple so they are easier to mix.
  • Then add this to the blender.
  • Mix until all ingredients are well mixed.
  • In this case, it is recommended  to drink two glasses a week. 

Also take care of your emotional state to prevent premature aging

We said at the beginning that it is important to take good care of the inside of your body. This requires that you support your body with the help of these juices. It is also important to take care of your mental health. 

Worrying and being extremely anxious disrupts your cell structure. That is why it is essential to take good care of your feelings if you want to look younger.

Remember when you had a lot of free time to waste and how you spent this time when you were a teenager? It’s time you got back to doing and engaging in activities that you enjoy and enjoy. That’s all!

Even though it seems contradictory, try to focus 100% on your emotions. Try  to ignore obligations and anything that annoys you. You need a few hours for yourself (really for you) every day, whether it’s a time to dance, exercise, or have a drink with friends and family.

Following these tips and drinking these antioxidant juices to prevent premature aging  will help you maintain a young and strong body. Your age does not matter, you will always shine. Age is nothing more than a bunch of experiences that make you wiser and more beautiful. Take care of yourself. Don’t you think that time has come?

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