Five Surprising Benefits Of Papaya You Probably Didn’t Know About

In this article you will discover the five surprising benefits that papaya offers for health. When you find out, you will want to eat this fruit daily!
Five surprising benefits of papaya that you probably didn't know

Papayas are native to Central America. They grow on a tall tree that can grow up to 10 meters high. It has no branches, but the leaves reach to the top of the tree. The fruit is yellow or green on the outside and orange on the inside. Because the seeds are glossy black, they stand out and are located on the inside of the fruit. But do you know what the surprising benefits of papaya are?

  • This fruit is low in calories and rich in many different types of antioxidants.
  • It contains vitamins A, B3 and C. It also contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Papain, an enzyme that contributes most of its medicinal properties, is one of the components that stand out.

Surprising benefits of papaya

1. It Helps Improve Digestion

Improve Digestion

Papayas help you digest animal proteins. One of the other papaya benefits that this fruit is known for is its digestive health. They are good for improving problems such as indigestion, stomach ulcers, constipation, and flatulence.

The key to these properties lies in the papain, an enzyme that is only present in this fruit.

At the same time, it is difficult to digest fruit if we eat it with a meal. Therefore, it is good to eat papaya after we have finished the main meal. It’s the perfect dessert in these cases.

2. Go back in time

Preventing aging

This exotic fruit is a powerful antioxidant because it contains vitamins A and E, selenium and carotene. All these substances  help prevent the harmful effects of premature aging.

  • If you want to prevent wrinkles and have a young, glowing face, you can use papayas externally in a face mask.
  • It will work best if the fruit is  ripe and if you leave it on your face for at least twenty minutes.

3. It fights intestinal parasites


Papaya contains a substance called carpaine.

Its main advantage is that it prevents and removes parasites or intestinal worms. What happens is that these parasites change the bacterial flora, the gut, and health in general.

  • The seeds can be liquefied and consumed along with the fruit like any other smoothie. In addition, you can dry them, grind them and mix them with honey.
  • However, if there are too many seeds, they can have a bitter or spicy taste. We recommend starting with small amounts to test tolerance and avoid indigestion.

4. Papaya prevents eye diseases

Preventing eye diseases

Eating papayas regularly has a surprisingly positive effect on eye health.

This is due to the extensive amount of antioxidants they contain, such as lutin and zeazxanthin, or beta-carotene and betakriptoxanthin. These are precursors of vitamin A.

Thanks to these nutrients, papaya prevents eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration.

In addition, eating papaya regularly helps protect eyesight  from damage that can be caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

5. The leaves increase platelet count

Leaves of papayas

Papaya leaves also have healthy properties. There is evidence that consuming papaya leaf extract can increase the level of platelets in the blood.

This may be good for those who have low platelet levels, or those who have had dengue fever (dengue).

Platelets or platelets are not measured in a blood analysis. Its function is essential for proper clotting (for example, to prevent bleeding).

In addition, they are also related to the treatment of atherosclerosis and the prevention of heart attacks.

The normal amount should be at least 150,000 per square millimeter. If you want to increase your platelet count, you can drink a papaya leaf smoothie or take a supplement in capsule form.

Now that you know these benefits of papaya, you will be sure to bring this fruit with you the next time you go grocery shopping!  

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