7 Tips To Stop Drinking Cow’s Milk

If you don’t respond well to cow’s milk and you don’t feel well after drinking it, it’s important to know how to get calcium and other nutrients from other foods.
7 tips to stop drinking cow's milk

You may want to stop drinking cow’s milk because it doesn’t make you feel good. You may be lactose intolerant, or you may have other personal reasons.

There are really a few things you should know  so that you don’t suffer from a lack of certain nutrients and so that you can continue to use recipes that contain milk.

Discover the seven basic tips that will help you stop drinking cow’s milk, but still have a nutritious, balanced diet without a shortage of calcium or other important nutrients.

We offer some simple and original ideas to replace cow’s milk in your usual yogurts, sauces and other recipes.

Milk bottles with straws

7 tips to stop drinking cow’s milk

1. Try Plant-Based Drinks

If you’ve decided to stop drinking cow’s milk, there are many plant-based drinks made from nuts, grains, and fruits that you can try.

These are the most popular cow’s milk substitutes:

  • Coconut milk  is most similar to cow’s milk when it comes to texture, consistency and taste. It is very nutritious.
  • Oat milk is one of the most popular plant-based drinks right now. It is rich in fiber and helps to balance the nervous system. You will feel more energetic.
  • Rice milk has a mild and sweet taste. It is suitable for people with a sensitive digestive system or those who like to drink milk with a neutral taste.
  • Almond milk  is one of the most nutritious and creamy drinks. It is rich in calcium and vitamin E.
  • We recommend soy milk  to a lesser extent because it is difficult for the human body to digest. It can lead to hormonal disorders in some cases. You should always consume soybeans fermented.

There are still many plant-based drinks, made from products such as:

  • hazelnut
  • spells
  • kamut
  • earth almond
  • millet

2. Smoothies without milk

Smoothies without milk

If you want to make an alternative breakfast or snack to drinks with milk, you can make a smoothie from plant-based milk with fruits and/or vegetables. You will get extra doses of vitamins and feel full for hours.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 5 ripe strawberries
  • 1/2 beet
  • 250 ml plant-based milk


  • Mix all ingredients until you get a creamy texture.
  • If you want, you can sweeten it with honey or stevia

3. Discover the delicious tahini

For those concerned about a lack of calcium from not drinking cow’s milk,  there are plant foods that are high in this mineral.

One of them is sesame, which you can consume in different ways, such as:

  • raw
  • roasted
  • like oil
  • like vegetable milk
  • in tahini, a spreadable cream

4. Avoid Products That Decalcify Your Body

stimulant drink

In addition to consuming plant foods rich in calcium, you should also reduce the intake of  foods that keep you from absorbing this mineral. There are even foods that can get the calcium out of your body.

These include:

  • White sugar
  • refined salt
  • coffee
  • chocolate
  • Soft drink

5. Make your own yogurt

Vegetable yogurt

If you like yogurt, there are two ways you can make it yourself using plant-based drinks.

  • Make the drink thicker by using agar.
  • Ferment the probiotic drink (such as those you take as a supplement) at a high temperature, as you would cow’s milk yogurt.

In addition, you can add fruits and nuts to this yogurt, which leads to delicious and nutritious results.

6. Season your dishes with brewer’s yeast

Brewer's yeast in a bowl

For dishes that you normally eat with cheese, we recommend using a vegetarian, cow’s milk-free alternative: brewer’s yeast.

Not only does this nutritious supplement provide a  salty taste similar to cheese for pizza or pasta dishes, but it also provides you with plenty of vitamins and minerals.

It is a very beneficial superfood for your skin, hair and nervous system, as it calms anxiety and improves your mood when you are suffering from depression.

7. Bechamel sauce with oatmeal as a base

One of the most common problems in the kitchen is replacing milk when making the famous béchamel sauce. However, you can use  oat milk for this.

Not only does it taste delicious, but it also provides the right consistency and creaminess to the sauce. So you will get a highly digestible and healthy béchamel sauce.

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